


1 year, 6 months ago


Once apart of the Merciful Daughters mercenary group, Dayis went into 'retirement' for a time after a group of them had been on a job that went horribly south. Causing him to lose a part of those he held closest. He had actual planned on continuing on with his work and avenging those lost, but upon finding out about his pregnancy, he was swayed into retirement; for the time at least. 

Once their child had been born, they couldn't help but feel the pull for the sword. Yet, they kept from it for a long time, striving to be a good parent for their young daughter. Things eventually go array,  as they always do. 

Time and time again they were needed to wield their blade to protect their home and land, and they did with little hesitance. It was for the safety of their daughter after all. It caused them to eventually have a run in with The Emerald Enclave, them looking for a new recruit. Dayis was hesitant, of course. They still had their strong standing with the Merciful Daughters after all. Upon further consideration thou, and a bit of nudging by a long time friend, they agreed. They needed the money for their daughter (and they longed for the battle field so heavily). 

They left their home in the care of his friend; one of the Merciful Daughters, and took off to earn money and a better life for their daughter.