


6 years, 2 months ago


✦ Details
NameAlcha Jadamere
SpeciesMuhorien taurani
Ethnicityi dont... know
Homebigass castle
Occupationexotic dancer
✦ Appearance
Body Typesuper curvy and kind of a little chubby in places
Hair Stylewho The Hell knows
Hair Colorblack and silver 
Eye Colorpurple and green and neon blue
Skin Colorblue
Clothing Styleloose silk stuff, super extra and fancy
Postureholds himself like a damn peacock
Otherhas gold horns, spikes, claws, and teeth 
✦ Likes
sparkly shit
✦ Dislikes
Being cold
✦ Hobbies
appreciating cats
✦ Traits
✦ Quirks
finds himself humming or dancing slightly when zoning out or something
shakes his head a lot, especially when hes nervous
✦ Phobias
global destruction 
✦ Section

This profile is made for those who don't like writing paragraphs, but this section is here as optional for those who would like to include paragraphs in the profile. If you don't want it, simply delete it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lectus sapien, rutrum vitae volutpat sit amet, scelerisque euismod velit. Donec leo enim, condimentum vel consectetur ut, sollicitudin ut dolor. In eu auctor odio. In a felis erat. Duis sit amet porttitor nibh. Maecenas eget eros accumsan, finibus neque vel, pretium est. In dictum quam quis ante volutpat, at porta lacus feugiat. Praesent porta, risus ac suscipit vulputate, magna quam sollicitudin mauris, non accumsan eros ligula vel magna. Donec finibus nisi id lacus ultrices tempor. Quisque lacinia justo lectus, non cursus ligula efficitur sit amet. Pellentesque nec augue vitae lacus sollicitudin congue vel ac tellus. Fusce magna enim, facilisis quis est et, gravida efficitur velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis id ullamcorper eros, sed gravida magna. Vivamus eleifend, magna at tempus mollis, ipsum odio tempus nunc, nec ultrices ex magna eget sapien. Proin nec erat ornare, ullamcorper libero vitae, pellentesque mi.

Duis scelerisque quis sapien sodales mattis. Donec porttitor eu turpis vitae tristique. Vestibulum vitae magna id purus vestibulum cursus. Pellentesque libero nunc, lobortis vitae augue a, suscipit aliquam felis. Suspendisse placerat vulputate sollicitudin. Sed vel fermentum justo. Aliquam vitae est dui. Sed molestie ullamcorper mauris, ut accumsan tellus cursus sed.

✦ Trivia
● he's gone for long chunks of time out in the city or at work, but while zen and alcha text and call each other regularly, they make a HUGE deal about it when he is home
● he can change his voice at will! he uses this for nefarious reasons, but he regularly choses to have a deep guttural russian accent (his real voice)
● alcha has ADHD but masks pretty well. he stims by shaking his head, holding and petting silk and velvet, and staring at sparkly things.
● CANNOT handle much alcohol at all, and will get SHITFACED over like 2 glassed of wine
● cant sleep without certain white noise, hense why he always sleeps with his head on zeniths chest or belly, so he can hear him purr while he falls alseep (also because zenith is just the perfect pillow)
✦ Relationships
Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros.
Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum.

profile html by Hukiolukio