


8 years, 7 months ago


  • Name: Kukki
  • Gender: Genderless but adress as he/him
  • Species: Memotone (Memory Tone. Info http://fav.me/d93d38e ) by whitepaperrabbits
  • Type: DataDrive Type
  • He's 17cm tall
  • Owner: Akira
  • Best Friend/Lover: Allyn
  • Loves: Any type of sweets, drawing/sketching, writing, cute things, Allyn
  • Personality: emotionless at times, poker face, he's actually really soft, sweet and kind but he only shows it to Allyn and Akira

Note: Since he's a USB, his tail is a USB cable! But he has the option of replacing it with is tail attachment, the fuzzy one in the ref sheet! So he doesn't have two tails! It's just one with the ability of replacing it! I mostly prefer his fuzzy tail but don't mind his cable tail~

He's real sweet cutie of a cookie! X3

Kukki is actually emotionless; doesn't smile often and keeps his emotions inside. Despite that, he's very loyal and caring of his owner, Akira, trying his best to be of help for him. He allows Akira to dresses him up as he please, being cute looking clothes most of the time.

He's weakness are sweets, that's when you see him showing most of his hidden emotions.