


1 year, 6 months ago


Khamaseen is, as a sphinx, able to grant wisdom and knowledge to whoever answers his riddles. But his past and current situation are far from easy for him.

He was born as a messenger from the heavens, the mortal child of the god of wisdom, and was sent down to earth to grant wisdom to its people. He was born from the depths of a glimmering oasis (oases are the doors to the heavens) and found soon after by wandering travellers. After they solved his first riddle, they discovered he was a son of a god and brought him to the capital of the desert: TBN.

Khamaseen, being the only one of his kind, became a pride of the people, showered in praise and raised in luxury since birth. He was crowned the prince of the gods, a gem of the desert.

As he learnt to read, however, his at-first simple riddles became more and more complex, the nobles and monarchs of TBN became more and more frustrated in their attempts to extract information from the demigod. Soon, the once fondness of the city had transformed into bitter anger, and Khamaseen's place was losing stability fast.

He finally decided to escape the city using the trading routes, being small enough to fit in a crate. Eventually, as the trading party settled down for the night, he escaped to the desert. Still a young child, he found it difficult to survive in the harsh environment of the desert. Fortunately, his parent god had been watching him, and had sent down a blessing. A pride of wild lions stumbled upon his dehydrated form and took him in. He learnt to use his claws in battle and hunting and became a member of the pride.

One day while watching some humans hunting on the outskirts of the city, he learned to use a spear. As he grew older and stronger, he curbed his abilities and stole books to grow his knowledge of riddles and questions. Eventually, he left his pride to fend for himself.

While wandering the ruins of a decimated town, he stumbled upon a family huddled in the wreckage of their home. A strong storm had apparently washed through the area, destroying towns and killing many. Khamaseen asked the father a simple riddle in pity, and it was answered correctly. He then told the father that a safe and unharmed town lay two miles to the east. He then offered to help move the family there. The father agreed, and Khamaseen carried the children on his back as they walked to the next town. 

Upon safely arriving in the town, he was greeted with delight and awe by the townsfolk. They all recognised him from many years ago as the prince of the desert, and they showered him with gifts and food to take with him on his journey. He then left to continue his aimless wander of the desert.

From then on, people left the safety of their homes to seek him out and ask him questions. At first, they were pure---the ingredients for cures, the answers to life questions, life advice. But soon, more and more people wanted more dangerous information---ways to poison someone, the scandals of nobles or monarchs.

Since most of the information now people ask him for has become dangerous, and usually at the expense of the monarchs, many attempts have been made to subdue or capture Khamaseen.