Daemon Wisp



1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Daemon Wisp (Day-Mon Whisp)

Age: 24(+1)

Gender: Male

Height: 5’8” (Gijinka) 1’7” (Feral)

Sexual Orientation: Straight (Single/Open)

Species: Galarian Yamask

Team Leader App: Link

Team: Mystic Forces

Position: Recruit

Branch: Rescuers

Team Rank: Normal

Level: 93


Wandering Spirit- The Pokémon exchanges Abilities with a Pokémon that hits it with a move that makes direct contact.


Dark Pulse- Deals damage and has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch

Hex- Inflicts damage, but if the target has a major status ailment (i.e. is burned, poisoned, paralyzed, asleep or frozen) it will double in power to 130.

Will-O-Wisp- Causes the target to become burned, if it hits. Burned Pokémon lose 18 of their maximum HP each turn and their Attack is decreased by 50%.

Protect- This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.

Nature: Gentle

Characteristic: Likes to run


Positive Traits (+)

- Selfless- He tends to put others before himself in most situations. Though this may be good for others it comes from a place of not having much self worth, so he’s trying to learn who he is now and to value and love himself as much as he strives to help others.

- Steadfast- He has been through so much and still strives to hold his footing and be the best person he can through all of it.

- Trustworthy- He tries to always follow through on his words, because his word is his bond and he takes that very seriously.

Neutral Traits (=)

- Uptight- He likes things a certain way. When something happens that he is not comfortable with, or he gets into a situation he sometimes shuts down or lashes out. Though for his safety sometimes this is good, his intuition coming to these things is pretty good, so sometimes being uptight is good when it keeps you safe but sometimes he pushes others away.

- Emotional- He tends to be very easily swayed in his emotions and can be seen as kind of a crybaby to those that he openly shows his emotions to.

- Reserved- He prefers to keep to himself to stay safe and not get betrayed again like he once was. Even though this keeps him from being hurt it also keeps him from truly bonding with new people.

Negative Traits (-)

- Critically Minded- He tends to doubt others and their intentions in relation to him and others. Having seen the worst of others he now is much more critical of humans and their nature. He may see the worst in you.

- Ill Favored- A lot of people, especially in his hometown, find his new form to be grotesque and unnatural. Because of his new state he tends to be unliked simply due to his appearance by those that meet him.

- Vengeful- When he sees someone as an enemy to him and to those he cares about he may hold it against them for life. Sometimes he even acts upon such thoughts in unsavory ways. His main vendetta is against his old partner Penelope for deceiving him.

Island Name & Hometown:

Island Name- Fairy Ring Isle

Hometown- Flower Springs; this is a small area on the north inner part of the ring of Fairy Ring Isle. It is surrounded by a beautiful forest with water running through it. This place is truly a hidden gem in the ring isle where flowers bloom and pools of water glisten in the light of the sun. Lots of fairy types live here dancing in the moonlight by night.


(CW: Death, Murder/Drowning, Abandonment)

Back then he was known as Liam, born and raised in Flower Springs. He was born as a cutiefly, there on the isle and was loved by his family and the community. He had all he could have asked for. By day he helped with household chores and by night he would wander around the grove walking in the moonlight. He was one of the most beautiful men you could have seen with glistening blonde hair and a smile that melted the hearts of women. His eyes were golden like the sun and he had a charm to him that few could claim.
He was blessed with a loving girlfriend named Penelope, she loved him, or so she claimed to. Penelope was the daughter of royalty and acted as so. She thought herself better than everyone and was prone to looking down on others through the power her family held. Though she was jealous, when he would smile at others she would seeth in rage. Though Liam would place a comforting hand on her shoulder and tell her she was the one he loved. There was no one else in the world for him but her.

Little did he know a growing hatred was rising in Penelope’s heart, she had come to hate him for his love for all. His acceptance of everyone on the ring. She wanted his heart and she would have it no matter the cost. She would be the only one he loved at the end of his story. One late night she invited him to swim in the inner ring of the Isle. It was rare she planned a date so he heartily accepted and so together they went out for a swim. 

Together hand and hand they went out to the water which sparkled under the light of a bright full moon. It was a perfect night, and Daemon had not been this happy in a long time. The way Penelope smiled at him warmed his heart as they sat on the shore together. She gently splashed water at his feet staring out at the dark water before them. He gently slid his hand over hers letting the warmth of his fingers travel into hers. “Daemon, why don’t you get in? I know you love the water.” Daemon was not necessarily fond of swimming, but the gentle lapping of the waves did seem pleasant on the warm night. Without another word Daemon stood up knocking loose dirt from his shorts before lifting his shirt over his head and dropping it next to her on the shoreline, his shorts quick to follow behind. He slowly waded into the water feeling the slightly chilly water seep into his flesh chilling him enough to make his skin prickle as he went further and further in. “You coming in?” He questioned as he extended a hand towards her. She simply nodded and waved him away to play around in the water as she turned away beginning to walk away. He tried to call after her but before he knew it rough hands pulled at his skin forcing him under the water. The assailants tied rocks to each of his flailing limbs before knocking him out cold. His limp body was cast away into the center of the lake never to be heard from again...

Through the will of fate or a destiny he had yet to find, his eyes opened once again. From the depths of the ocean he could see only a small painting. It was of a beast of some sort, its eyes full of hatred and he felt drawn to it. It was as though the beast called to him granting him the strength to live again and so he took its hand.

He swam to the surface, his body cold and frigid as he broke the surface to see the sun rising. He took a gasping breath of air before rushing back to the shoreline as fast as his limbs could take him. He stepped onto the shore only to fall to the grass, his hands barely catching him in time. Looking down he stifled a scream as he saw only the wisp of a tail to hold him upright. Tears sprang to his eyes as he laid there and cried with the early morning dew.

Eventually he made his way back to the grove where everyone looked at him in shock. It was only when Penelope heard the commotion that she saw him standing before her in a new form. Tears broke from her eyes as she ran over to him, wrapping him in a large hug. “You’re ok! I was so worried!! We all thought you died!” she cried out as she looked up into his eyes but what looked back at her sent a cold chill down her spine. He couldn’t bring himself to words upon seeing her. Hatred and vengeance clawed at his insides coaxing him to inflict the pain in his heart onto her and watch her suffer, but he ignored it.  Shirking her off of him he walked away without another word.

Over the next few months life got worse for him, friends abandoned him, his family slowly pulled away from him and the grove mocked him for the creature he had become. Around the grove he was called a monster, a freak, but most commonly a demon. They mocked him and bullied him until one day he left. The ridicule had broken him down to the point he felt worthless, and overall not worthy of life. Everyone cursed his new form seeing him as only a shell of his former self as they lived ignorant of the truth of how he gained it. 

As he wandered helplessly around the ring he found himself soon trapped in a nearby Mystery Dungeon. It was both scary and enlightening as for the first time he saw his true form. It scared him but in a way he liked it. As he wandered through the dungeon a Sylveon burst out of a bush, its body rigid and coiled for a fight as a dark purple aura emanated from its body. It launched at him attacking the Yamask with no empathy or pity before leaving him there to perish once again. Though a pink flash broke from behind a nearby tree the land changed to that of a purple psychic terrain as a Slowpoke stood before him. She looked back at him and her confidence radiated through his pain as the fabric wrapped around her tail brushed against his skin. She battled the Sylveon with might and valor and scared the beast away before turning back to the Yamask. “It will be alright, that I promise you.” were the last words he heard before his consciousness left him.

When he awoke he was in a grove his body wrapped in bandages next to a small fire. Next to him sat a short woman wearing a tan cloak that looked over at him with a small smile. “I am glad to see you are finally awake. Please eat.” she said as she held out an apple which he graciously took from her hands. “Who are you Miss?” he questioned between bites of his apple. “I am a member of the Ethovalon Rescuers. Someone saw you go into that dungeon and sent me to investigate. What do people call you?” she questioned as she poked the fire with a small stick. He paused for a moment mulling the question over. He was no longer a Cutiefly from Fairy Ring Isle, he was a monster.  In his head echoed the words of those from his past. “Daemon, Daemon Wisp.” he said with a smile as they ate together. He enjoyed the silence as they sat just together enjoying the feeling of being alive for the first time in a long while.

After he had sufficiently recovered, Daemon decided to go back to the Port City of Ethovalon with Alois to join her as a Rescuer and help others as she once helped him. 

History Summary:
Daemon used to be a different Pokemon, a Cutiefly to be exact. His girlfriend and childhood crush Penelope was a jealous woman and even though they were together she used and abused him to do whatever she wished. He was submissive and the two of them were the "power couple of their small isle. Unbeknownst to him Penelope concocted a plot born of jealousy and a vendetta against her boyfriend to have him killed. Bringing him out to a local lake known for its beautiful view at night they went on a date together. Some of her lovers hired by her in exchange for her "services" drowned him in that very lake, tying rocks to his arms and legs forcing him to sink to the bottom of the lake and die there among a ruined castle. Though fate granted him another chance as he gained strength in death and came back to life as a Yamask, now a vengeful spirit hell bent on revenge for his death.

His little village called him a demon among many other names after his reincarnation. His family disowned him and every soul in the village cast curses at his feet. Eventually he left and found himself trapped in a mystery dungeon where he was saved from a Shadow Pokemon by a member of the team Mystic Forces named Alois who invited him to join the guild and start a new life. 


Alois (Team Mystic Forces)- His first friend in the world of Rescuers! He is very fond of her for being the one who invited him to join her team and has given him a steady shoulder to rely on as he tries to navigate the world of being a Rescuer.

Chloris (Team Wandering Seafarers)- She knew about what happened to him. She knows. Her goal in forming the team was to help him and that sentiment warmed his heart and fueled him to try and keep his cool when it came to Penelope. She really does care about him.


Cutiefly Hairpin- A treasured gift that was made for him by his grandmother, one of the few that still loved him after his transformation to remind him to always stay true to himself no matter what he goes through.


- He will never forgive Penelope (his ex) for what she did to him and holds that trauma to this day.

- He can still see the auras of Pokemon if he focuses really hard. It is an ability that all Cutiefly possess but he now only sort of carries since he changed.

- His “tail” can straighten out but he keeps it curled to stay balanced.

- He now tends to be shy and reserved his trust only saved for a few people. Though he can be outgoing if he wants to.

- He is a super flirty man but is currently unsure with whom he wants to flirt with (gender-wise)

- He is an excellent chef! He much prefers to cook pastries though.

- He is terrified of deep water.

-Was infected with the Shadow Sickness

A playlist that matches his vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anD9Y4dZy74&t=1654s

Specific song: https://youtu.be/Q4V49N7t8fI?si=6-HecIbNJHPBsy_4