


1 year, 7 months ago


Hybrid Name : Night strike [Nicknamed Nyx]

Human/real Name: Sally Kress

Gender: Female (she/her)

Age: 19-23

Species: Owl/human hybrid

Rank: Hybrid-B

Personality: Extroverted, adventurous, sassy, confident, and reckless, she's pretty flirty and laid-back most of the time but tends to switch moods rather quickly. While she could be caring and friendly towards those she cares for or is interested in, she could also be incredibly ruthless to others. Nyx often enjoys the lively thrill she gets from fights and has no problem involving herself in one whenever she likes. She often has trouble feeling connected with the world around her as well as with people, making it sometimes hard to sympathize with them. Her lack of touch with reality often also relates to her drive for adrenaline.

Background info: Nyx has dissociative amnesia due to an accident she had as a human teen, which brought her to the lab where she was turned into a hybrid and saved her life. She doesn’t remember who she is, what her childhood was like, or the people she once knew, although she gets strange dreams about them, giving her hints as time goes on. Since she woke up not remembering any of her past or who she is supposed to be, she decided to ‘act’ like who she wanted to be, whether it's her real self or not. She basically took it as an opportunity to try to be someone with value.

Childhood info:

i’ll write later im tired

Facts/extra idk

⇢ She is Korean but can barely speak any💀

⇢ Her eye pupils can dilate a lot like an owl‘s :3

⇢ She lovesss amusement parks and theaters!!

⇢ As a kid she used to make dolls of her self and the people important in her life, she still has a strange interest in dolls loll

Can call her Nyx, Nightrike or Sally!! im used to calling her Sally the most now bruh, i might replace her hybrid name with just Nyx though