Thunder Goddess



1 year, 7 months ago


This thunder goddess is surprisingly kindhearted, despite her intimidating look!

She loves making her thunder as loud as possible, as it makes her giddy with joy.

She can fly down to the Earth's surface too and even helps farmers occasionally by scaring off predator animals with her drums.

Her hair also has magical properties, and if you bury one in the ground, a storm is destined to come your way.

 Nickame  Red hero
 Age  17
 Gender  Male
 Pronouns  He/They
 Birthday  March 19th
 Voice  Calm
 Theme  Red riding hood

 Species  Human
 Height  5'11
 Orientation  unlabelled
 Occupation Hero/Adventurous 
 Home  Earth
 R.status  Single
 L.status  living
  • Save hero
  • cats
  • Red Things
  • Arms
  • Gun Hook

Bellamy is a young man whose origin is unknown. It is said that he comes from a town with a waterfall.

Bellamy always goes with his cape and his mask. Nobody knows his identity but it is known that he is good because when someone needs his help, Bellamy is always willing to save those who need it.

Bellamy would meet a hero named Andy who has a mission, to avenge his family from the evil Witchet.

  • Bad guys
  • be betrayed
  • Somebody try to take off his mask