


1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Hemlockbreeze

Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)

Age: 40 moons (3.3 years)

Clan: Solarclan

Rank: Warrior

Orientation: Biromantic Toric

Perchwing (Mother; deceased) (NPC)
Elmshadow (Father; deceased) (NPC)

They were friendly and amicable to everyone, if a little bit of a loner. They were diligent in their Warrior duties and loyal to their clan... until one day, something changed. They suddenly became on-edge and anxious, always glancing over their shoulder and paranoid about everything and everyone for reasons unknown to anyone but themself. Gone was the charming clanmate who would greet everyone in the morning, instead replaced with a defensive recluse who avoided other cats at all costs and became hostile to those who approached them with concern.

Their father died from illness before they were born and their mother tried her best to take care of them, but eventually died of birthing complications a week later. Hemlockkit ended up being raised by another queen, but was ostracised from the litter since they weren't one of her kits. They grew up thin and frail due to this, not quite able to get enough sustenance to take care of themself properly and unable to gain much weight. Despite their shortcomings, they put their all into training to earn their Warrior name once they became an Apprentice, determined to show their worth to their adopted family. They earned their Warrior name from the stealthy way they use their light stature to their advantage to stalk and hunt prey.

- Likes Darkwater (NPC) romantically
- Enjoys hunting, especially alone
- Their favourite prey is birds, and they like to line their nest with feathers
- They've moved said nest to the furthest corner of the Warriors den possible and guard it overprotectively