


6 years, 6 months ago



Name Asta
Designer ebriose
Gender Female
ObtainedIn a trade with free-shade
Significant Other None
Rules Species rules
Species Kiamara

RoleSelf-isolated Writer


  • Masterlist
  • Parents: First gen (MYO)
  • Breedings: None
  • Traits:
    R - No Pupil


Asta is a skittish and shy kia who's grown up sheltered and isolated her entire life due to a health condition that keeps her very weak. She strongly avoids any situation that may cause her additional stress or thrill because it's dangerous to her heart and almost any pressure will quickly cause her to faint or suffer illness. She doesn't handle change well, and likes the comfort of a routine almost obessively. Though she cannot travel the world or see many things outside of her home, she is incredibly creative and her imagination will gladly fill in those blanks for her. In the absence of real knowledge about things around her, she's turned to her mental world as a freedom from it all to be anything she wants to be.

She's very reasonable, and very kind. If you're willing to try to bond with her, she may talk a bit too much at times, as she's quite enthusiastic about meeting new people in the safety of her routine. She wants to learn, and wants to branch out, but she's afraid of what will happen if she does. She's convinced that she'll never really be part of society beyond her writings.

She lives a lot of her life online, where she meets most of her friends and does most of her research. It's the one place she feels safe to explore and be herself. 


  • She gets bad shortness of breath when putting in too much exercise/movement due to her heart issues.
  • She is on medications for her heart as an adult, and has considered surgery- but the procedure is risky and she's still too afraid to take that leap.

Growing up, Asta was diligently isolated by her family because of a bad heart/health condition she struggled with since birth. Extreme stress could cause her heart to skip or give out, and as such her family thought the best way to care for her and keep her safe was to keep her locked at home away from the world. As a result, she became extremely skittish and sheltered, and totally unprepared to face anything on her own. She was home schooled, and learned everything she knows from her family or the internet.

She found freedom through writing, exploring the world through the internet and translating her dreams of how the world must be into her writing. Books of fantasy and wonder, and optimism about a grand place she would love to see, but is too afraid to pursue. Her fantasy writings are popular in small online circles, but haven't reached any widespread popularity.

She works from her small quaint home writing articles for a local magazine to fuel her finances and mostly only leaves to go to a coffee shop a few doors down to write because getting out helps her to be a little more inspired. She also leaves to go to the store nearby for groceries/supplies, but never goes out of walking distance of the safety of her home. She really loves stuffed animals, and likes to make sure each has a personality and story. She makes them herself as a hobby and likes to make them for others and for charity. 


  • Daydreaming
  • Writing
  • Stuffed animals
  • Watching the world through her window

  • Stress
  • Feeling alone
  • Feeling uninspired
  • Being outside

Janna "Pen" pal

Janna is someone she writes letters to, both online and in person, and probably her only real friend that she feels like she can open up to. Janna often helps with proofreading her writing or giving her ideas, and sometimes stops by to bring her gifts or hang out from time to time. Janna is one of her very few contacts with the outside world.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
