Żygold Padlina



1 year, 7 months ago


I guess you can tell he is a zombie, but his looks and extraordinary behaviour is a result of an accident in his and his friend's illegal drug laboratory (and a little black magic).

Because of this, he started to rot very rapidly, only thing he coud do, was to scream in agony. Thankfully, he doesn't feel much these days. And I mean he can't feel any pain, and doesn't need to eat or sleep at all (he still enjoys both). He also can't die of old age or any physical damage. Due to his awful smell he has to sleep and spend most of the day in his room which has been redone to a walk-in freezer.

One of his hobbies is playing on his favourite guitar he have had since he was a teenager. One of his interests are bugs of all kind, also marine animals. As I said previously, he also revels in eating and sleeping, although his digestive system is mainly closed, only leaving an esophagus and a stomach. When he eats something, sooner or later the digesta has to be vomited, leaving a dark green, sticky acidic substance. He can also vomit without any particular reason. Żygold also experiences frequent losses of conciousness, due to his brain being damaged by the curse. Sometimes he can predict when it happens, but mainly it happens abruptly. 

Despite of being a little gross, Żygold is a well liked being with a quite childlish sense of humour.