


1 year, 10 months ago


Mahiri was born the first cub of an ailing pride that had been born in years. She was considered to be a blessing, and the pride held her high above everything else to thank the heavens for bringing her to them. Very young, Mahiri became uncomfortable with the level of pressure and expectations put upon her, and couldn't stand the way that the other lions looked at her and expected her to bring their pride back from the brink of destruction.

She was constantly watched over by her parents and the rest of the pride, and sheltered from death, disease, and the world as a whole. She was forbidden from even leaving pride rock, and lived a very lonely cubhood. More cubs were born after her, and yet she was still expected to uphold their expectations.

As her mother ailed, her father became much more overprotective, posting guards to stop Mahiri even leaving her den through fear she would catch the disease herself. It was as she became a teenager that a sign finally came, and a cure was in sight. Mahiri was sent out on the dangerous quest despite still being young, as it had been written in the stars that she should... despite the fact the sign had been fake and orchestrated by Mahiri herself to gain some freedom whilst she decided what to do.