


1 year, 11 months ago


Immortal human
Support Damage Dealer/Pyro Catalyst user
  • Venti
  • Meraxes (his dragon mom)
  • Reptiles (Especially snakes)
  • Mondstadt
  • The Fatui
  • The Abyss Order
  • Their biological parents
  • Mistreatment towards his loved ones

Keahi is a very curious and a little timid extrovert, this deaf catalyst user wasn't exactly used to interacting with other humans or basically other creatures in the past, as he’s lived most of his life with his dragon mother in a different part of Teyvat until she decided to move to Mondstadt with him. But when he does make a friend, he gets very enthusiastic as he starts getting more comfortable with them, even offering to help teach them more sign language if they don't know much about it.

Important Notes

- He's deaf, not completely, but tends to communicate through sign language or writing on paper or have his adoptive dragon mother communicate for him. But they normally have a hearing aid on which helps improve their hearing, they got the hearing aid 5 years back when they're still kind of new to Mondstadt.

- When they can't hear music when their hearing aid isn't on, they like to hum out songs they remember quietly, just so they don't disturb anybody around them.

- They sometimes give people short nicknames to help refer to them easier if they want to speak, for example, they would sometimes call Venti "Ven". They always make sure if the other person is comfortable with the nickname first.

- They often try speaking if they don't know a word in sign language and there's nothing to write on and Meraxes isn't around, it's a struggle but for them, it's worth it to help develop their voice more.

- They go to the Angel's Share tavern, but rarely ever drink any alcohol, even when they're an adult.

- He's 5 inches taller than Venti.

- Keahi has never been outside of the nation of Mondstadt ever since him and his mother moved there, mainly because the place they were previously from was a very dangerous place to them and Mondstadt felt like the safest to go to, so they've never been to Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru or the rest of the other regions they haven't been to.

- He and his mother don't know how Keahi is immortal, but speculated that a spell might've been casted upon him before he was born, but they're only theorising that for now.


(W.I.P at the moment)

Aether/Lumine/Traveler (Headcanon)

Like the other characters, they soon met the traveler, they were even surprise that the traveler knew sign language, which made communication easier for the both of them. They both bonded pretty well before the traveler left mondstadt to continue their journey to Liyue.

Diluc (Headcanon)

They know him through their dragon mom due to her sometimes working as a bartender in the Angel's Share tavern at night, they often go in the tavern just to see what their mother had been up to or just hang out with Venti, but they do often chat with Diluc. They both often talk about what had been going on or Diluc often shares some stories with them about what had happen in the tavern in the past (most of them involved Venti in some way).

(Adoptive mother)

He was adopted by her a very long time ago when he was smaller after his own family and people offered him as a sacrifice as a way of protecting themselves from her, but she would never kill a child, so he automatically became her son as they both related a lot to each other due to their situations, but now they both had a real family now. He loves his mother and always wants to be able to the same amount of things she was able to do for him, he also wants to be more independent since she does so much for him.

Paimon (Headcanon)

He met her with the traveler, but it was a bit hard to communicate with her at first as she didn't know sign language, so the traveler had to translate what he was saying to her. But after that, she did start learning some sign language, he appreciates the effort of her trying.

Venti (Headcanon)
(Close friend/crush)

He met Venti when he first arrived in Mondstadt while exploring, noticing the bard with a crowd near the anemo archon statue, so they snuck over to watch him play. They didn't have their hearing aid at the time, so they couldn't really hear the music as much, but they still enjoyed it and were mostly interested by the bard himself. After the performance was over, Venti noticed them and greeted them, Keahi was hesitant but signed to him "Hello, do you speak sign language?" and surprisingly, Venti responded back in sign language. Since then, they became close friends and often hang out at Windrise, Starsnatch Cliff, Angel's Share tavern or by the anemo archon statue in the city, but over the time they've spent together, they eventually started developing feelings for the bard.

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