


1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Design Worth


Commissioned Art


Personal Art

40 USD


40 USD


Generous . Patient . Cautious
I want to be the product of fighting against the time I've lived in fear
Occupation Healthcare
Location Yaiz, Overade
Demeanor TBA
  • Help as many Gaidinians as she can
  • Repent from past actions that she feels led to who she saw as a father's death in the war
  • Keep history alive
  • Forgetting or Losing Memories
  • Hurting those whom she allows to get close to her
  • Failing Naahm and his teachings
Masterlist G2-M-42
Rarity Lower
Obtained For Event Currency
Worth $40.00
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Neutral Evil
Pessimist Realist Optimist






  • The name "Eloise" means "Famous Warrior," which she was given by a small village of Thalemimis after helping rescue a young boy who had been in trouble.
  • Became a Kemuchii shortly before the end of the war
  • Learned medicine and studied remedies to help Gaidinian victims of Vas' war
  • Fish Keeping
  • Linguistics
  • Biology
  • Exploring
  • Science
  • Record Keeping
  • Fish (pets)
  • Baking
  • Helping those in need
  • Water
  • Wet and slimy textures
  • Unnecessary physical touch
Will wear
  • Two piece dresses
  • Light clothing
  • Oversized sweaters / shirts
Won't wear
  • Restricting clothing
  • Shorts / Pants
Design Notes
  • Traits:
    • BJD body (Required)
    • Black stripes on face (Required)
    • Branches on Ears (Required)
    • Branches on Tail (Required)
    • Arrow Mirrors placed on: Biceps (Required)
    • Single Horn

  • NSFW okay. Gore permission ONLY!
  • Kemuchiis are a closed species part of Gaidinia, created by Aremisu. You cannot make one without an MYO.

As all Kemuchiis are, Eloise was born a spirit during Vas' war. She lived with a large group of other spirits, considering them to be her family though unknowingly if they were or not. They all lived in relative peace despite the ongoing war, that was until the rest all disappeared- or rather, left. This worried her but she continued to live as well as she could on her own. She watched Gaidinians from afar, making sure to remain unnoticed and unseen. As the loneliness began to settle in, she ventured closer and closer to civilization. It wasn't too long before she met a few Kemuchiis, which she had barely heard of before then, and listened to all of their different stories. She began to wonder if it had to do with the rest of the spirits she had been familiar with. This prompted the spirit to search for answers.

She soon stumbled upon Naahm, hoping to plead with the past deity to bring back her family as she assumed they had been taken in some way. He of course, declined, explaining that he didn't have the power to do such a thing alone. Feeling discouraged, Eloise had turned to leave but Naahm extended out for the spirit to give her answers. This upset her, what good would it do for her to simply know what happened if he wasn't going to help her get them back. She turned down the deity and left.

However, she didn't stay away for long, and eventually returned to the deity, hoping he would still give her the answers she now wanted. He obliged and told her everything she wanted to know, answering the questions she had ever since the first day they'd been missing. After finding out they had been bound to their new bodies and became kemuchiis, she decided she wanted her own chance at either finding her family or truly being able to move on. After thinking about it, she asked for a contract of her own with Naahm, pledging her service to the deity for having helped her.

For the first few years, she was on the lookout for the other spirits she had once called her family. During this time, she was able to learn about the Gaidinians she had been watching over the years in a more personal manner. This was around the time she realized she wanted to learn more about the people she had been watching and to help, but was pushed to the backburner until she found her family.

Soon before the war ended, she had found one of the spirits- now a War Kemuchii, who had explained to her that they were all separated over the years as the war tore them apart, choosing to fight for different deities. This was, of course, only shortly before he attacked her. She did what she could in standing up for herself and was lucky enough to survive, though shattering the fellow Kemuchii's mirror. Filled with regret, she had to mourn that what she had been pursuing for so long was nothing in his eyes. She was left feeling very unsatisfied with the answers she had gotten from him and tried her best to accept what she had done.

After a while, she began her studies to learn Gaidinian medicine, hoping to use her extended life as a Kemuchii for good. Starting out simple before getting proper training, she did as much as she could to help those around her that needed help. She returned to the village she had lived near as a spirit and officially became the doctor for the residents. It didn't take much for her to realize this is what she loved to do, and being a Kemuchii made it easy for her to work long shifts around the clock.

To modern day, she works hard to help sick and injured Gaidinians as well as making sure those around her keep up good general health. She makes sure to keep up with advancements in medicine and try and help contribute to advancing medicine where she could. She sometimes travels and on her way through, makes sure to leave at least one Gaidinian in better condition than they were before.

Name Eloise
Aliases Ellie
Birthdate 10 . 30
Age 514

Sexuality Undefined
Pronouns She/Her

Height 5'7"
Build Doll / Average
Species Past Kemuchii
Blood Type N/A