


1 year, 10 months ago


...does it hurt when I poke it? It does? I see I see, what about here?

Ilence the Orc Animal Druid
Female (She/Her)
Aproximately 38~
5ft 8in
Subdued, Curious, Calm


The truth of Ilence's birth and first years of life is completely unknown. At a criminally young age, Ilence surfaced first in records of a Chelaxian slave trade. She was an orc though it seemed to be the case only in record- for as an orc Ilence was exceedingly small and fragile and lacked other defining orcish traits. Its likely that perhaps Ilence was abandonded by her parents due to this, or the inverse that due to malnourishment as a slave her growth was stunted. Irregardless, Ilences life began grim with her unfortunate circumstances. She was sold to a family of wealth in Korvosa.

As the families Maid, Ilence took to more or less cleaning, cooking, and mindless but exhausting tasks. One she often frequented was grinding down the herbs for homemade remedies, which is a skill that would serve her well in her later career. Around the time Ilence turned 20~24, a strange sickness called Blood Veil ravaged the city of Korvosa, the one her family inhabited. In a desperate act, the city conscripted anyone who would dare to serve as part of the Plague Doctors to combat the plague. Ilence's family enrolled her within the program due to her experience with medicine as well as her... expendability in their eyes. Ilence recieved further training on how to handle plagues and medicial attention by a group of druids who were helping sponsor the effort of dealing with the plague. As part of the effort, Ilence recieved a mule in order to help carry bodies in the carts and raw materials needed for treatments. It was during this time Ilence first donned her plague doctor mask and rags she typically wears in current year.

As the situation developed, it became clear the plague was a fostered idea by the current queen Ileosa Arvanxi who recieved it from the Red Mantis Assassins in order to squash competition. The plagues spread was halted by further efforts and the queen was eventually killed when it was further exposed she had the fullest intentions to sacrifice her people for immortality. During the chaos of the Blood Viel plague, Ilence had confided in her Animal Circle Druid friends who had taught her the power of druidic healing, she told them of her life and desire to escape from her bondage to which the druids saught to help, smuggling Illence out of Korvosa and Varisa as a whole. She was taken to Nidal to live amongst the Animal Circle druids, amongst the twilight and creepy forests of Nidal, Ilence's curiosity into the morbid was fostered by her equally eerie companions.

Ilence pursued information on plagues and treating sickness, though she was not content on being a simple bedside nurse for the midly sick and instead saught dangerous maladies and ailments, eventually she was drawn to the news of a strange plague sweeping a small city in Isger called Gillamoor. The Gillamoor Plague, named after the city, seemed to turn those it affected into ravenous zombies. This intriuged Ilence, but the mention of a 5k gold reward for its cure by the Isgeri army helped to further entice. Ilence set off on the back of her donkey, pulling and old worn cart with the ominous clacking of bottles in order to find out exactly what she could do...


  • Sold into slavery at a young age in Korvosa, Ilence went on to serve as a wealthy family's maid and bedside nurse.
  • During the Blood Veil, Ilence was conscripted to serve as a buggey-man and first responder. She learned her skills from a group of animal circle druid volunteers.
  • As the plague subsided, Ilence was smuggled out of Korvosa and Varisa by her druidic friends into the country of Nidal where she spent time learning more from them and seeking out new plague related information.
  • Several years later the bizzare Gillamoor plague emerged in the country of Isger and Ilence found herself drawn to it.
  • The donkey is named Bram.