⯁ Pale Pink Taaffeite



1 year, 7 months ago



Era Made
Era 1

Gem Area
Top Left of Cloak


General Facility Adminstrator

Pink Sunrise Diamond

Mohs Scale
8 - 8.5



Pale Pink Taaffeite

A high-ranking aristocrat that was once considered to be one of the most respected. Pale Pink Taaffeite was created to be a general facility administrator, basically she would go between her diamond's different facilities and make sure everything is running smoothly. She once oversaw, at her peak, a total of 67 different facilities, putting several thousand gems under her command. These facilities would range from stations to outposts to gardens to spas to basically anything that might fall under the Sunset Court, she would be in charge of. She was a very busy gem and in-turn had a pearl to help her, this Pearl was Blush Silk Pearl, Taaffeite specifically commissioned this Pearl. However despite having this Pearl, she rarely used her pearl for her actual purpose and one day ended up abandoning her pearl on a colony. After abandoning her Pearl, her life sort of fell apart in a not good way. It was around late Era 2 when the accident happened that made the Empire assume her to be shattered. The accident in question was never documented and Taaffeite refuses to speak about it. However if one thing is known for sure the accident did not shatter her and she is very much still around, lurking in the background and looming just above all those facilities she once watched over. Most gems consider her more of a folktale to scare gems into working, but she was very much real and she is still around and will one day return and take up her duties once more. When that day comes, thousands of gems will know fear once more.

Noteable Traits

  • Dark Pink Sclera
  • Pink Helmet
  • Long Cloak/Wings
  • Tied Double Hair Buns


  • Standard Gem Abilities
  • Fear Aura
  • Flight


  • Her current whereabouts are unknown, however some clues have pointed to Pink Sunset Diamond’s personal palace.
  • She is based on a lady bug, since her pearl looked to be inspired by a butterfly so the two would more closely match.
  • Taaffeites as a gemstone are rare, each diamond typically only has one or two in their courts. Sunset has two, Pale Pink and another- who was meant to replace Pale Pink when everyone thought she was shattered.
  • She is generally a rather calm gem, however she has the aura of an Agate, one that makes gems fear her.
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