


1 year, 10 months ago



Tired Bartender

Forming in the relentless desert heat is no simple task unless you're lucky to be out during the monsoon season. As a wormling Nimbus was fortunate to find an unlucky rabit that didn't make it in the summer sun. Making sure she remained as small as possible so that theres always the promise of shade the small cccat found herself in a wide and cruel landscape. There was no shortage of predators, heat, and other dangers to be aware of and she knew it. Inspired by the raging afternoon storms she created a protective yet pratical form. the thick fur around her neck keeps the heat off during the day and warmth in during the cold nights while the lightning esque spikes would deter anything from attacking her as she crossed the sands.

After a lonesome time wandering the desert Nimbus found what she assumed was a mirage glisening in the setting sun, after some investigation she concluded it was a hidden magical oasis that seemed to change its location at random. Feeding off it's magical energy she built herself a bar, hoping that lost souls in the desert would find themself at her doorstep. Buisness was a success as creature from around skire would pop up whether it was because the were lost or because they had a knack for finding strong magical spots. But all good things must come to an end when outlaws and questionable folk impeaded on her quaint little bar. Eventually Nimbus learned to put her foot down and would challenge any unwelcome bar goer whether it was outright kicking them out or abandoning them in the middle of an unfamiliar desert. While her size to some was unsuspecting and small, her ferosity was huge and a built up resentment only feuled her irritabily turning her personality form a welcoming host to stand offish and cold until she decided a customer wasnt trouble.

One day after ditching an outlaw that was causing trouble Nimbus found a Cccat attempting to break in, once caught the seemingly clueless cat claimed they thought it was abandoned. While tempting as it was to throw them to the mercy of the landscape Nimbus deceied to employ them, sending them on runs to protected lands to steal only the rarest of ingredients to make her menu unique to the bars that were easier to access. While Soxx, the petty thief she caught, was a spacey indvidual they alwasy delivered and if they came injured she would allow them to stay as long as needed to heal themselves before sending them out again. its unclear if they're friends, but Nimbus doesn't mind their company, thinking their silly remarks or actions endearing enough to be kept around, for now.