Xóchitl's Comments

Wasn't sure where to comment this, but I just wanted to let you know that this image is AI generated. The rest are not AI generated. I'm not sure how you feel about AI, but I figured I'd tell you so you knew (if you didn't already).

I know you did art in exchange for this character, so I can definitely do some art of any of your characters (if you feel that compensation is needed).

Oh, don't worry about it, there's no need. I knew It was AI generated and although I'm not in favor of how some people uses it, I don't feel uncomfortable with It (I think that, with proper regulations, It could be a great tool for drawing)

While I wait answer in the other one, may I offer art for this one? It´s so cute 

of course! i'll move to pending for you

It's done :3)9 I have send the drawing 

Here's a link to the image drawn: https://toyhou.se/20545749.emi#67294780

Hi it's almost been a month, any updates on either drawing?

Hi, hi. I send them tomorrow bc my laptop Is with a friend (but don't worry, I alredy finish them. Sorry if I didn't answer before Xd) 

Alrighty then!

sending the chara! sorry for being late

Can I redesign this character?

of course!

whoops u already did it <3

adding to the log