Basic Info


Sabrina Noxx








5'4 ft / 1.63 m



Sabrina is a 15 year old human girl who has the ability to see the dead and other ghouls of the like. She primarily lives in the living world with her family, however she is often lonely due to her having a hard time making friends with any other living person...she can't find herself relating to them at all....

However that all changed when she accidently found herself in a strange world full of ghosts and all kinds of monsters as far as the eye can see, luckily for her an imp named Daliah Hallows was happy to greet this new visitor...




Sabrina is a very lonely girl who tends to be very socially awkward, she also has an extreme interest in the strange and unusual things, because of this Sabrina never seems to be bothered by things most people would deem to be "scary". Sabrina also has a passion for creating and writing a lot of stories and has quite the active imagination that goes along with this passion. 


Daliah Hallows - Friend

Autumn VonTrix - Friend

Sandra Noxx - Mother

Norman Wonders - Father


  • Sabrina's family is actually a long line of medium's who were known to commune with spirits, however over time the family seems to want to forget about this gift for some unknown reason...
  • Sabrina can sometimes be seen talking to the spirits that make themselves known to her, they were the only company she had until she met Daliah.
  • She has a pet red-knee tarantula whom she simply named "Candy Corn"
  • She is a single child, though a part of her does with she had siblings.
  • Sabrina is a "baby-bat" [young goth]
  • Norman gave Sabrina a dip pen to use for when she writes, she still has it and often uses it to practice calligraphy.