Caen Flare



6 years, 2 months ago


 “Some say the world is the greatest stage one can walk on. However, unlike a stage play, good does not always conquer evil. I wish to change that.” 

  • Name || Caen Xavier Flare
  • Called || Caen, Risky
  • Age || 21
  • DoB || July 31
  • Gender || Male
  • Pronouns || He/Him
  • Sexuality || Heterosexual
  • Species || Hedgehog
  • Origin || Flare Manor, Mobius
  • Occupation || Actor, Guild member, Hero
  • Status || In a relationship
  • Theme || (Not decided yet)


⇀ Description

At first, Caen would come across as a stoic, and quiet being, often going about his daily business in a cheerful, but out-of-the-way fashion. However, scrape away at the surface and you can see a man driven to protect the weak whenever possible. He is fiercely loyal to those who he deems are his friends, and will gladly do his utmost to make them happy, and, when around those friends, he is often a much more cheerful, and talkative personality. However, Caen has an extremely short temper and, while good at masking his true rage, will quickly become angered at the sight of injustice or arrogance. In combat, he tends to strategise and plan out every single attack, rather than rushing into battle without a second thought. However, when he is enraged, he often throws such things out of the window, favouring relentlessness instead. This relentlessness is often reflected by his persistence to see a goal through to the end, no matter the cost.

⇀ Stats















⇀ Preferences


  • Being on stage. As a thespian, he finds it pretty thrilling to be on stage!
  • Sweet, sugar-laden foods. As his fiery powers drain him of blood sugar quickly, he’s often seen with candy within arm's reach.
  • The cold. As a slight side effect of Caen's pyrokinesis, he has a slightly higher body temperature, making it easy to get too hot, so cold climates are preferable, for Caen to stay comfortable.


  • Injustice. Previous events from the past, specifically a number of people he has met, Caen has developed an especially great distaste for injustice, from something as simple to theft on the streets, to something much worse, like blackmail.
  • Summer. The hot climates that generally accompany summers can drive Caen crazy. Needless to say, he does not like sweating.
  • Bitter foods. There’s just something about bitter tastes that just grosses Caen out. Coffee can be tolerable, provided a metric ton of sugar is mixed in, first.


⇀ Description

  • Height || Slightly above average
  • Build || Slim
  • Eyes || Light blue
  • Spine colour || Red
  • Fur colour || White
  • Muzzle colour || Tan
  • Spine style || Long, and flowing
  • Demeanor || Shy and introverted
  • Style || Casual, but fashionable
Caen is a mostly red hedgehog, with a rather odd spine structure, that resembles flowing hair. His muzzle around his mouth is tan, and he has a tuft of white fur on his chest. His eyes are a piercing, but light blue. He is often seen wearing a long, blue coat, much like a trench coat, that is a claret red on the inside, as well as a pair of black leather gloves and large, sturdy brown boots. Concealed under his coat are two scabbards, each containing a sword.

⇀ Important Notes

  • Caen’s eyes glow slightly orange when he is angered, or his adrenaline levels go too high.
  • The tips of his spines are a slightly darker red.
  • As a thespian, he can often be seen wearing a range of costumes

Combat traits

⇀ Powers

  • Caen makes use of a form of pyrokinesis, which, while allowing him to summon and shape flames to his will, also allows him to use spell-like flames that often aid him in combat, backed up by two swords. Examples of this include summoning forth several arrow-like flames that explode on contact, and being able to wrap his blades in flame to increase attack power.
  • Caen is also capable of shaping his flames more directly, allowing him to grab things for mere seconds, or to increase attack range. He is also able to summon forth fiery wings to allow him to fly for a limited time, though he cannot summon forth any more flame when doing so.
  • When in danger, or when angered by a certain amount, Caen becomes more reckless and relentless in utilising fire, which is often accompanied by an increase in attack power, as well as glowing eyes.

⇀ Strengths

  • Adaptable. His weapons, mixed with his malleable firepower allows him to quickly adapt in combat between more offensive or more defensive approaches
  • Does not rely on powers. He is capable of utilising melee weapons when not using pyrokinesis.
  • Strategic mind. He is capable of assessing a situation quickly, and strategising on the spot.

⇀ Weaknesses

  • Self-taught. The fact that his fighting style is almost entirely self-taught can mean that he lacks the finesse others may have.
  • Tends to work alone, due to losing family and friends in the past. Though he is trying to alleviate this through guild work.
  • Low blood sugar. Using pyrokinesis quickly drains Caen’s blood sugar, leaving him either munching down on sugary snacks, or fatigued.
  • Overuse of pyrokinesis can potentially cause his very bodily cells to be burned up as fuel, causing wounds and, if taken too far, death.
  • Short temper. As stated before, Caen is quick to anger, which may result in easily-avoidable situations coming to the forefront.


⇀ Background

Born at Flare Manor to Xavier and Flora Flare, Caen lived a life of luxury, often enjoying reading countless books in the family library, or being taught the basics of the blade by his father. However, this all changed when on one fateful night at the age of eleven, he awoke to find his home ablaze, and he untouched by the flames. Upon getting out, the home was reduced to rubble, and his parents were nowhere to be seen. Through further investigation with local police officer Raito Bolt, it was discovered that Caen’s uncle, Alastor Flare, was behind the fire, and his parents’ untimely death. After a long battle, he and Raito were able to arrest his uncle, who, for several years, remained in a cell. However, six years later, Alastor would escape from prison, and, in a mere two years, Caen would find that Alastor, along with his accomplice Wilhelm Stein, had encased Xavier Flare in a robotic shell- the so-called project XF alpha. Now, Caen is on the lookout for Alastor, to bring the story to an end, once and for all…