


1 year, 7 months ago


they/he, around 100 yrs old, just trying to do their best. around 11'8" tall

pebbling is named Hopper (she/her).

Works at a new, grand hotel in Calathea City, which welcomes tourists to the Realm of the Remembered. It's very short staffed, and Bellamy's past experience working in hotel service is not with their current position. He signed up to be a receptionist, was "trained" to be a cook (failed miserably), and was placed as the porter without any notice. Sometimes doubles as a host in the dining area. May even be found playing trumpet in live music in the dining hall. 

It's worth it to them, though. They get to stay in the Realm of the Remembered, living in the hotel itself, and they've made good friends with the staff... Mostly. Some of the others get annoyed at the mess Bellamy makes. One curious dumpling down the hatch, and the rest of his life has red liquid pooling around them when they're nervous. They're still trying to find a way to contain the liquid, as they were promised it would only show up by will. So far, they have had little luck, creating far more work for the cleaning crew, of which they are also sometimes part of.

Bellamy was originally drawn to the Realm after being visited by multiple legendary guides and seekers during dreams. He's seen the beauty of their place in the world, and simply being around it all the time feels like a long time coming.

His bedroom is small, filled with books lent to him by returning guests that know him by name. Inept with magic, bit of a pushover, always misplacing things, often scarfing down food because he doesn't get enough sunlight. Enjoys 3d puzzles (wood block, metal, etc), small trinkets with interesting textures, sudoku, and playing any instrument handed to them. They have a way with math that leads over to music quite well.

Hopper tends to bumble around after Bellamy, bringing them items he thought he'd lost. The staff adore her, although she "somehow" gets stuck in the elevators... Notes for Bellamy are left taped to her back.