Phoenix ‘Nixy’ Coleman



1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Phoenix Coleman

Nickname: Nixy

DOB: 05/18/1974

Age: beginning of bcs -28

         ending of bcs(flash backs prior to bb) -30

Death/Disappearance: 06/23/2004

Phoenix is a herbalist who runs her own herbal shop in ABQ. She’s passionate and hardworking and determined to reach her goals by all means. Her younger cousin Gloria helps her run the shop to stay out of trouble. Due to stereotypes of dealing with herbs and knowledge of natural medicines, Phoenix has had her store searched by the DEA a couple of times thinking it was a cover up. While Phoenix has never gotten into the drug business it hasn’t stopped her from interacting with active members of the cartel or them coming to her shop. False accusations and run ins means she’s not naive to getting legal help……whether it be the ‘worlds 2nd best lawyer’ or as she calls it her last option.

*Fandom oc I’m not taking super seriously just having silly little fun :P*