


1 year, 7 months ago




Name Rockette
Called The buff bun fighter
Age 28
Gender Female
Species Rabbit
Alias Neautral-good
Sexuality Hetero-sexual, single


  • Apathetic
  • Battle hungry
  • Impatient


  • Training
  • fighting
  • maintaining one's physique

A simple brown rabbit who grew up always believing in power and being the best fighter she can be.


Rockette was raised in a very caring family, being born the only female and middle child of 7 brothers. They never made fun of her or anything, but did nag her more so for being the only female in good fun. Their family was attacked by Zoulken the hawk, one of Karnage's 8 strongest devils. Even with him being sealed away, Rockette vows she will take revenge on him someday. Ever since losing her family, she dedicated her life to strength and eventually grew thick skin that made her succeptable to getting close or even forming relationships, seeing them as not only a waste of time but progress, though she shows signs of caring for her fellow members at Syn HQ. Speaking of...


The rabbit works as Syn HQ's 4th strongest member, and the most powerful female of the entire organization. She leads part of their dojo in the female division, working to stregthen them. Since joining, she's has a very strong rivalry with another woman named Asami. The two engage in blood thirsty fights ever since it was discovered Rockette had a one night stand with Joineth, since Asami was low-key jealous of her. The only other person who's able to match her in any sort of physical combat would be Hisashi the EchiDragon.


As stated in her past, Rockette only wants to exact revenge against the being or group that attacked her family. She feels it was a planned assault, as her parents were first killed before her siblings. She gets some assistance from her fellow work mates and that's about it.


  • Very powerful, enough to punch through steel walls
  • Has survived being stabbed, burned, frozen and endured most broken injuries
  • Maintains healthy relationship with peers, even if it's seen as self-induldgement
  • Will never back down from fight, no matter who or what
  • Has a secret Tsundere side when complimented by...a certain type of person



Asami Arkaius [ Rival ]

These ladies when they first met started off as sparring partners, then grew to become rivals once Rockette was able to prove she was stronger. After finding out through confirmed rumors that Asami had a crush on Joineth, the rabbit took it upon herself to have a one night stand with Joineth, showing even on the emotional aspect that Rockette was "better", absolutely infuriating Asami, and causing them to become almost fated enemies. After multiple times of losing and having near death battles, the two of them were then split off and didn't make contact for a while until agreed to squash any beef and just train like normal, to which they both agreed.


Joineth Salamendren [ Aquiantance ]

The two started out as being training partners since Joineth had shown interest in her physique, giving off mixed signals as she mistook it for flirting but then learned Joineth is one who takes training extremely serious. The two had a one night stand after Rockette learned of Asami's feelings towards him, which caused a very awkward divide between them for a while. After the apology between Rockette and Asami, Joineth returned to beign a casual training peer with Rockette.


Hisashi [ Close friend ]

The two met during a fighting tournament where it almost ended in a draw until she won by a landslide. Finding out that Hisashi joined Syn HQ after Phantom did, Rockette grew eager to fight with Hisashi once more, and the two of them grew even more closer, soon spending days and days together, training and getting to know one another and eventually relating to one another's story, as Hisashi also lost his family. Some have been spreading rumors that the two of them have "feelings" for another, and Rockette either ignores it or gets...quite flustered at the outragous comments.