Mignyan - Alethea



1 year, 7 months ago


Alethea (a-leth-e-ah) | She/They/It | Adult 

Profile is a work in process, BUT this is what I have so far.... Things can possibly change as I think things over, but we'll see...!!!

Alethea is always typically smiling gently, subtly, and her eyes are almost always closed. The big ol eyes on her wings serve as her main source of sight, and thus the wings are almost always open and turn and twist in place to look around. She CAN open her eyes on her face, though not often. When she opens her eyes wide, and stops smiling.. Maybe it'd be within your best interest to Not Be There. She moves slowly, gracefully.. Almost like as if it were a dance. It's kind of creepy. But like a flash, she can move EXTREMELY fast, as well. Very acrobatic and flexible! Very quiet. Her voice tends to be soft and gentle. 

Hardly EVER disguises herself. Finds great pride in who she is and the power she has, and never wants to hide her mignyan attributes. Likes to scare people, and intimidate others into getting her what she wants. Will do whatever is necessary to further the Mignyan invasion- though, she very much prefers to work alone. 

The host, before becoming a mignyan, previously gave herself up for the cause; believing in Mignyans and their futures. Willingly sacrificing her body for the two Mignyans that reside in her body today. She followed the mignyans near religiously, and wholly accepted that this was the way forward, holding no regrets. 

The two mignyan crabs that have control over the body are simply referred to as B (The butterfly lookin' one) and Gummy (the 4 legged crab creature). B appears absent and mindless, but in reality is rather cold and unfeeling. Acts almost more like an animal by instinct than by emotional drive or sentient thought. Gummy has a bit of an attitude, and is quite vain and prideful. The two combined- they make Alethea.