



Full name – Alexander Grayson

Aliases – Dracula — Gray — Alex [ Very rarely he allows this ]

Alexander, or regularly, Grayson, is a very successful robotics and engineering industrialist. Grayson is quite famous for the inventions of his company and his charm also had helped him climb up the leaderboard. His soothing voice also allows him to be a singer off-the-work, gaining many other fans that isn't interested in business affairs. His deep voice mismatches his young appearance which seems to attract others more. He's quite busy nowadays, always busy for meetings, projects and has little time for his needs. He was abandoned as soon as he was born, a rich family took him in and raised him properly but they had no time to teach him about 'feeling', thus he is also infamous for how cruel he is to others. He took many different medications for his conditions and while he had been certified by his personal doctor that he didn't require medications anymore, he still take antidepressant when his optimism can't help anymore.

+ Suave, Elegant, Patient, Generous, Optimistic, Responsible, Soft-Spoken, Calm.

- Wrathful, Manipulative, Cunning, Envious, Prideful, Selfish, Ruthless, Aggresive, Vengeful, Dishonest, Calculating, Cruel.

Grayson is usually very quiet and usually chooses to be by himself instead of talking to others. However, he do likes to attend social activies, learning about others' behavior from them. He also listens to gossips and has a quite a lot of connections with some resourceful inviduals. For him, balance in happiness and sadness is vital. Due to how Grayson looks like, you'd think he also has a balance with good and evil, however, he leans towards evil and has no remorse to anything he does nor does he feel symphaty and emphaty for others. He simply does what he wants to do but at the same time he is very calculating and would think before making any decisions or action. He's very flirtatious, particularly to males as he treats females (and nonbinaries) with respect of a gentleman. He's very patient and forgiving but if you were to spark his almost nonexistent anger, he'll do whatever he can to make the rest of your life a living hell.

He's actually quite kind if you are close enough to him. If he talks to you in an unprofessional tone, you are whether lucky or he trust you enough to be vulnerable infront of you. He was raised to follow rules and always have good manners, so to not act like how he was raised to means that he simply isn't 'Alexander Grayson' anymore. The true him isn't as kind as the exterior and is somehow more violent and cruel, but if he is kind to you when he's not himself, consider yourself special.  


" Daddy, daddy! Look at what I drew! " Little Alexander shouted as he rushed down the hall, careful not to trip. Alexander waved a paper at his step-father who is on the phone, talking with a business associate. " That's great Alex, now go off back to your room, I'm busy. " The taller Kalon says in a monotone voice, not even glancing towards Alexander's direction. Alexander's hand shook a little, holding the paper shakily. Though, he kept a content smile, nodded and went back to his room. Closing the door of his room, he felt the tears trailing down his cheeks. He was still smiling, wryly. The child wiped his tears with a silk handkerchief. His legs gave up and he slides to the floor, leaning on the door. " Why am I crying? " Grayson whispered shakily, smiling uncontrollably. He looked at the paper in his right hand and began laughing, choking a bit. " It was for a simple reason, but why? " Alexander's smile fade as he pulled up his knees, sobbing in his cold room, alone. His drawing was soaked by his tears.