Imperial Hessonite



1 year, 7 months ago


Imperial Hessonite



Gem Placement


Era Made

Era 2





MoHs Scale




A pompous Hessonite with an abnormal role for a Hessonite. Instead of being a field commander she is a renowned actor within the Sunrise Court. Many gems travel the Empire to come and see him perform. Being made with a special skill that makes their performances worthwhile, even when they go array. While the Empire has a limited number of Hessonites to begin with, one of them being an actor was practically unheard of in the earlier eras. Imperial Hessonite’s career was only accepted by the diamonds in the most recent era. So she was originally in the Snowy Court before being transferred over to the Sunrise Court to become a part of the entertainment court. Now with their new career they get to travel across the Empire and even have gems come to them directly. Once when she was visiting a Reef in the Sunset court she came across a small defective Amber Pearl which was on the verge of being shattered by one of the staff working in the Reef. He stepped in and scooped up the Amber Pearl to serve under himself. The pearl now takes on the purpose of an assistant to this Hessonite and helps out with running lines and more that is needed for this actor to do their best on stage. Overall, once a gem who commanded gems on the battlefield of the Snowy Court is now a renowned actor beloved by the Empire under the Sunrise Court.

The show is almost to curtain, go find your seat!

- Imperial Hessonite

The Sunrise Court


  • When serving in the Snowy Court, Imperial was very close to the lead Agate of the military, the two still chat to this day in private.
  • Many of the Hessonites in the Empire shun Imperial for their deviation of duty, especially since Imperial Hessonites themselves are rare.
  • He is considered the nicest Hessonite out there, many gems come up to them after shows and always feel welcome in his presence.
  • She is one of the only gems allowed to perform on the main stage within the Sunrise Palace.