Clementina Neroni



1 year, 10 months ago


Clementina Neroni


Transfem Genderfluid


28-34 years old


October 31st



Sea hag/Musician

Very little is known about the mysterious sea witch known only as, Clementina Neroni. She is as ellusive as she is charming and deadly. Traveling the world for who knows how long, she evenutally settles down in Hollow Port to have some fun and cause a bit of trouble, while also working under Allison Conway as a lounge singer. However, behind those dangerous, seductive eyes lies a deep sadness that threatens to bubble to the surface the more you're in her presence. Clem has lived a hard life, and she'll be damned if other women and girl suffered like she did.


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate








  • Compassionate
  • Passionate
  • Cunning
  • Loyal
  • Mischevious
  • Blood Thirsty
  • Deceptive


Clementina comes off as very playful and flirtatious. She likes to keep a cool head in most situations and always has an ear out for information that might peak her interest. Due to her playful and often laid back nature, most people don't really take her seriously, due to them believing she doesn't take anything seriously... and that's just thew ay she wants it. Being a siren, she keeps her true feelings under wraps in order to lower her prey's guard so she can gain the perfect oppertunity to pounce. She is a predetor at heart after all, and she's always on the hunt.


Clem always has layers upon layers of walls to hide what she's truly feeling. She's a very emotional person due to her upbringing and hates showing that someone's words got to her. Thus it can be hard gauge when she's being genuine and when she's being deceptive. Hell, she might not know have the time. She has major trust issues so it can be extremely hard for her to let someone in. She's been hurt countless times before, and she refuses to be hurt again or all hell will break lose. Above all though, she's terrified of letting others in as she views her eery existance as a curse to where everyone that loves her is doomed to meet a terrible fate. She's also weak for children, her friends, and anything that belonged to her late mother.


Being a muscian, she'll often tap, hum and drum off beat. She also tends to figit with her hair or necklace whenever she's nervous, or unsure of herself. She also has the habits of staring out into space, rubbing the back of her neck, sitting on the edge of a chair when nervous, and pretending to figit with her grimoire to avoid talking to stranges. She's also a heavy drinker, smoker and deals with the occassional recreational drug from time to time.


Tactic: Skirmmish

Attitude: Cocky

Distance: Any








Fighting Style

Clementina mostly relisone overwhelming her opponent. A common tactic is for her to either summon undead thralls or clone herself in order to decend upon her foe while she fires magical spells from far away. She's also a deadly sniper and his proficent in sword fighting, knife fighting, kick boxing, and acrobatics.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Magic
  • Swift
  • Range
  • Speed
  • Impulsive
  • Burns herself out too quickly
  • Low Strongth
  • silver


Dark arts.

Clementina has studied forbbiden magic since she was 16 years old. Whether it be through making deals with the ancient ones or stealing the spellbooksof archmages, Clementina has a wide variety of dark spells to unleash upon anyone that pisses her off. Disease, plagues, curses, hexes, nothing is off limits. This however has come with some drawback, causing her to curse her own eye and develop dark marks on her hands and feet.

Bardic Magic

Another form of magic she's proficient in is bardic arts. She can channel magic through sound and her music. Opting use either her voice or more commonly, her guitar.


Clementina has a natural contection with necromancy as a demon. She has the ability to raise the dead, speak with those long passed, and harness necrotic energy.

Street smarts.

Clementina knows the ins and outs of the criminal world like the back of her own hand. Whether it be drug deals, money extortion, laundering, bootlegging, heists, or arms dealing, Clem has vast knowledge in all of them. Growing up in a crime family herself, she uses this knowledge to not only her own benefits, but to make the world just a bit safer for women like her.



Clem's guitar is her most prized possession. It's the main conduit for her magic, as well as a high powered rifle thathas both a semi-automode , shotgun mode, and sniper mode. It can also turn to a mighty trident and be use as a melee weapon.

Life drinker

A deadly scimitar made of shadow magic, this is a vicious dagger that carves through mortal flesh, and attacks the mind as well. It can also be coated in fire, or force energy to tack on further damage.

Posiden's arrow

Clementina's magically enhanced pistol. It was gift from her late uncle, who was like a father to her. The only positive male figure in her life. One her favorite tricks he taught is to shot a coin into the air and bounce bullets off them for a trick shot.

A variety of guns and daggers.

Clementina always has a ton of spare guns, pistols, and daggers on her person at all times. While she can summon most of her main arsonal on her, she sometimes gets caught off guard. So she keeps a ton of spares on her just in case.

Other Abilities

Clem is a good cook. She's also talented in gymnastics, painting, alchemy, and above all else, music. Clementina is a brilliant artist that specializes in glamrock, punk, metal, R&B, jazz, and funk. She writes most of her own songs, and even has 3 undead thralls to form her own band.


Favorite food: Lobster Risotto

Favorite drink: Rum and coke

Favorite scent: Seasalt

Favorite color: Purple

Favorite flower: Lavendures

Favorite season: Summer

Favorite number: 13

Favorite music: Rock, Hip hop, R&B


  • Music
  • Magic
  • Fashion
  • Flirting
  • Art
  • Raw Meat


  • Noisy Men
  • Mobsters
  • Total Silence
  • Fedoras
  • Authority
  • The government


  • Music
  • Painting
  • Dancing
  • Studying with the dark arts
  • Water polo
  • Arson


Clementina’s story begins long before her birth. Lucio Vescovi, the brutal head of The Vescovi Family, had a vision. A vision to create a lineage of powerful mages to rule over Ivory City with an iron fist… and maybe even the world. To accomplish this goal, he married Alexandra Auguste and had a total of 6 boys. One of them stood out from the rest, and not for the right reasons. That child was his 3rd youngest, Giovanni “John” Vescovi. Unlike his brothers, John was an expert criminal and knew the family business in and out… the only problem is that he was extremely subpar in magic.

His disconnection to the arcane arts caused a rift in his family, and he was left to do menial grunt work in terms of serving the family. This caused John to form a deep-rooted insecurity that caused him to lash out at others, usually weaker than him, in order to cope with his inferiority complex. He desired to copy his father’s example. If he couldn’t be the mage that his father wanted him to be, he’ll marry one and raise another. Using his dangerous charm and daddy’s money, John managed to charm a siren known as Jillian Goodwin into marriage. Jillian was a free-spirited woman who used her magic to playfully terrorize the locals, however she was attracted to the danger and glamour that the mob life offered. As fun as the relationship was for the both of us, the honeymoon phase quickly ended as soon as their first child was born.

Unhappy child, Unhappy house

Clementina’s childhood… was not a happy one. While her and her mother were very close, John would constantly pressure Clem to be something that she wasn’t. He wanted nothing more than to make her his puppet he would use to rise through the ranks of his family, with her talents in magic. Due to her constant resistance, John was rather abusive, both mentally and physically. Nothing she did was good enough in his eyes, and he always demanded more and more from her. Both her and her mother were trapped, not just by John but the rest of The Vescovi family, so they only had each other.

One night, a 13-year-old Clem would awaken to the terrifying sound of gunfire and her mother’s screams. She tried to exit her room to help Jillian, but found her bedroom door locked. After more shouting and gunfire, the house went silent. No matter how loudly she cried for her mother, no one came for her until the police busted down the door, making her mother’s fresh corpse slam to the ground in front of her. An assassination attempt from a rival family left Clementina an orphan.

Rise of The Siren

She was unceremoniously disowned at her parent’s funeral, her uncles and grandfather wanting nothing to do with her… all except one. The other outcast of the family. Alexander “Ace” Vescovi. He took pity on poor Clem and decided to adopt her and raise her as his own. Under Ace’s guidance, Clem grew to be a rather sure of herself and deadly young girl. Now using her skills in the criminal underworld as well as her arcane magic to really make a name for herself.

Through her misadventures, she would come to fall in love with two rabble-rousers she met in the black market. One was a fiery assassin named Charlotte “Cherri” Kensley, and the other being hired muscle known as Graziano Milo. The trio formed a happy polycule, looking to take down the Vescovi family once and for all and elope to Florence. With her lovers and her uncle by her side, CLEMENTINa’s life finally seemed to be taking a turn for the better… only to make a complete 180.

Wondering Witch

When the dust settled, she chose to show her grandmother mercy by erasing her memories of the entire family and helping her return to her own at sea… Once again, Clem was alone.

With no one to call her own and no real home to speak of, she discarded her old identity and became a wandering songstress, using her music to con people out of their money and sometimes even their lives, if they pissed her off enough. She never stayed in one place for long, but deep down she desperately craved stability, kinship, and love. Then, one night, she was approached by a mysterious woman with ties to the infamous, “Lady of The Underground” with a opportunity to work as a club singer in a mysterious port town known as “Hollow Port.” While not initially taking up the offer, after hearing how The Lady of The Underground might have ties to this fresh new face in town, Clem didn’t hesitate and created the next portal there.

Now working under The Conway Family, Clementina looks to uncover all the secrets within this shady little town. Potion bootleggers, corrupted pharmaceutical companies and haunting horrors abound? Oh this is gonna be fun.


Ricky Martin - Livin la vida local

"she'll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain"
"she'll make you live her crazy life but she'll take away your pain"
"like a bullet to your brain"

If there was one song to describe Clementina's life style and her public perception, it would be this song. She loves to live fast, have fun and cause lots of trouble. She invites you into her life, be prepared. You're in for a wild ride, but it'll be fun... for the most part.

Molly Daisy Scarpine - Extra

"Ignite the drive in your soul, it's calling you."
"Are you brave enough to be a fool?"
"Let's start thinking about the little extras in live."

As stated before, Clem has lived a very hard life, so it's natural that she loves to the little things life. She doesn't want to be alone, she's just scared of letting someone get close. Once she does though, doors start to open and up and things start to become much brighter.

Pleasure Venom - I Can't Find My Black Lipstick

"Striving to survive"
"Try to unwind"
"Seek out the crime"

A woman with a heavy heart that has seen too much in this world. Clem refuses to bend to authority, and won't be chained down by anyone. She has a duty to herself first and formost. In her hendoism she desperately tries to find an escape, but she remains unsucesseful...

Blondie - Call Me

"Color me your color, darling"
"Call me, call me any, anytime"
"Cover me with kisses, baby"

Can be considered one of her siren songs. Singing such sweet nothings to lure the current apple of her eye into clutches, in order to get what she wants out of them. Whether it be money, a meal (you), or a genuine connection. how can you tell which one she wants? It's a bit of a gamble. Willing to take that risk?

Alexander O'Neal - If you were here tonight.

"Love takes on a new meaning"
"The circumstance leaves me only waiting"
"If you could only know my feelings"

Most don't know this, but Clementina is a hopeless romantic looking for her other half. Despite living a reckless and hedonistic lifestyle she aches for love and her own happily ever atfer. It's a challange but once you find your way into a siren's heart, she'll keep you there forever... whether she wants to or not.

NAOKI - Symphony

"I'm not here to fit in this world."
"I just want to make a difference."
"I'm just a quirky note in a symphony."

Despite being a admittedly brutal and blood driven woman, she genuinely wants to make the world a slightly better place. Her methods are vicous and even cruel at time, but she'd rather be hated for her methods, than be love and let the world sit in purgatory.... Things have to change.

We're just quirky notes in a symphony

Daisy George

Despite being complete opposites, Daisy is one of Clem's closest friends. The reason for that is Daisy goes out of their way to make Clem feel no less of who she is, and cherished as a friend. Daisy is a geunuine person who Clem is very protective off. She won't let this world make Daisy jaded like it did her.

Allison Conway

Allison is Clementina's boss, and another good friend of hers. Clem often works as Allison's third eye, often sneaking around agathering information for her in order to pull off sucessful heists and operations.

Rose Neroni

What was once a lost orphan in Hollow Port Central Park, has turned into the most important person in Clem's life. Rose is Clem's adopted daughter. She's the light of her light, the air in her lungs and she would do anything for this little lady. She maybe a handful and a half, but she gave them something they thought he'd never find again... a reason to wake up in the morning.

Barry Blaskley

One of the bartender for The Bellowmight, Clementina likes to have playful and flirtatious banter with Mr. Blaskley. However, it might more than just playful flirting... Yes, indeed, Clementina might have a not so little crush on Barry, but good luck getting her to admit it though...

Skylar Phillips

The relationship between Skylar and Clem is very... hard to explain. At least, it is if you ask Skylar themselves. At first? Sky will tell you that they couldn't stand Clem. Her flirtatious and high and mighty attitude really got under Sky's skin so they did their best to avoid her. It wasn't after one mission together until Sky started to see Clem for who she truly was. Sure she was an obnoxious flirt, but there was more depth to him. She's seen the same things that Skylar has seen. She's felt the same way Skylar felt. In an odd way, they were kindered spirits. Turns out, Clem's a genuine woman. Now if only Clem vould see that in herself the way Skylar does... pot meet kettle and all that.

Callob Conway

Both Callob and Clem work as informants for Allison. With their combined charisma, the two became naturally drawn to each other. While Callob wouldn't really settle down with Clem any time soon, he would take the siren out for drinks and have a little fun every now and again.

Louise Newton

Louise is the first person that Clem had her eye on when she first came here. When it comes to their relationship, Louise doesn't really entertain Clem's constant flirting, but it does charm her. If Clem wants her, she'll have to work for her. A challenge Clem is very much up to.

Salenna Rose

Another lovely lady that Clem is hard crushing on, Salenna will often enlist Clem's aid as a model for Salenna's fashidon desings. Both Salenna and Clem love to go shopping together, as well as participate in local drag shows together.