
1 year, 7 months ago
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Basic Info




Name: Nyx

Nicknames: Momo

Sexuality/Preference: Biesexual, She/Them

Age: 27

Height: 5'4

Skillz: Fixer of(Computers & Guns) Collector of Herds & Plants(you have an ailment she has something that will help with it), Kickboxing,

Quirks: Gamer, High to relax from her disabilities(Suffers from Stress, Depression, ADD & Bipolar), Has a bit of a stutter when her mind races faster then she can speak, Sensory Overload, Skrunches up her nose when she gets confused on something interesting catches her interest, Wicked Aim,

Personality: Easley excitable(favorite topics), Introvert with Exravert tendencies, Easily annoyed, The person everyone comes to when they need advice, Can

Occupation: Gamer, Herbal Apothecary

Likes/Loves: Aliens, Cyrptc Monsters, Games(even board & card), Weed, Snacks, High Heals, Myths with Facts/ Truths to them, Kick Boxing,


Dislikes/Hates: Being kept waiting when an appointment is set, Toxic Gamers, Droughts,