


1 year, 6 months ago


vesi.pngVESI | he/it, 25octoling, ink color: purple


weaponluna blaster (+neo) & octoshot
headgearhivemind antenna
clothinghalf-sleeve sweater
shoespunk blacks

coming from octarian society, vesi is an octoling who shares a fascination for gadgets. it has its own workshop where it repairs and design weapons. he hired a 15 year old named flapjack into his workshop, and admires its forte in weapon building. vesi is a strong advocate for team order, following their every command. he plans to rule inkopolis and splatsville with order and control, but can never put the time and effort into trying.
he comes off as rude and arrogant to other people, and almost never takes a chance to make a colleague. there's exceptions, though, and he has a particular soft spot for other octolings that went through the same fate as him in the military. he doesn't feel this way towards surface octolings, however.

he came to the surface by hearing the calamari inkantation, like the other octolings. when he was in the octarian military, vesi worked on weapons and technology for the octarians. he was the inventor of the octoshot, and worked on other weapons similar.


  • embarrassingly enough, he (sometimes) speaks in leetspeak because he thinks it makes him intimidating. (it doesnt)
  • despite being an octoling, vesi has 6 tentacles instead of 4, like an inkling. this is because he genetically poured a suspicious substance onto his head, giving him two extra tentacles.
  • his eye color is silver/white