Julius Teller



1 year, 7 months ago


2H3 OZYMAND1.exe
//NAME Julius Teller
// GENDER Nonbinary [they/them]
// AGE 9 sweeps
// BLOOD Gold
// CLASSPECT Mage of Space
// LUNAR SWAY Prospit
// TROLLTAG lithiumLightbring[LL]
m3dia play3r.mp3
Turn The Lights Off - Tally Hall
When Julius was hatched, they already showed signs of having immensely powerful psionics. Zapping the palmhusks of the jades and picking up rocks, but when they hatched from their cocoon and revealed another set of eyes that had been until then tightly closed, the jades realized the power on their hands. Luckily, the jades managed to keep the Emperor's eyes off them, and Julius was able to enter society and not be snatched up as a high power battery.

They spent a lot of time working in tech, experimenting and building machines and code. But they also liked to experiment and try out all different skills and jobs, and became quite a jack of all trades. Most of they time, they did on and off battery gigs. But their most stable form of employment was with their friend Lyesah, who hired them to power her flying ship/hive and do fun pirate shit with her. Though when the ship was shot down in a fight with another violet, they went back to irregular battery gigs.

When they were 8 sweeps old, they were leaving a battery gig when the client they were working for tried to stop them and force them back into the machine. A fight broke out. They blasted the client with their psionics, but couldn't brace for the recoil, so it slammed their head on the machinery and shocks from their own psionics backfired and went through their head. They woke up on their friend Atropa's surgery table, as she had come to rescue them, and she informed them they had a severe concussion.

Julius spent a while recovering. The hair that got shocked turned white. But as they recovered, their psionics started acting haywire, which worsened as they healed. It got so bad they accidentally blasted a hole in the side of Atropa's hive. They ended up having to stay almost permanently in a pair of psionic goggles hooked up to a battery backpack to avoid their powers from destroying things around them, and eventually found steady emplyment in a military base. They powered basically the entire base, but also had access to the security and digital archives at the base. They often sell this info to Eagale to help him solve his mysteries, and their boss is none the wiser.
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Julius is very friendly, but can come off as creepy and robotic. After spending so much time hooked up to a computer, it has changed something about how they think and see the world. They forget that people don’t like them snooping, being used to watching over everything and not having much sense of privacy anymore. Their thought process has become almost mechanical, one step to the next, task after task. They are calculating, but they have not lost their empathy, trying to logic their way to the most ideal outcomes, and able to logic themselves into making difficult decisions. This of course is not a perfect method. Sometimes has mood swings, acts without thinking, or has trouble focusing and keeping their thoughts straight due to their brain injury. But they still have the heart of an adventurer, longing to return to a world they fear they are no longer compatible with. At least they can watch it from a distance though, and they have gotten *very* good at watching.
code by ghoulipede