Nymphos's Comments

Oh hey, just saw that this guy is UFS— you looking to sell him for what you bought him at, or something else?

HELP I know its been a while but I figured I'd reach out to say that we can accept his full $100 worth right now! 

Oh okay!!! What PayPal would you like me to send it to?

I'll dm you it, but may I ask for a trade back on this guy? Just because my bd would like to get him back if you ever lost interest! ^^

Of course, that’s completely alright! If I ever lose interest, you’ll be the first to know, and even then he won’t be going to anyone else. 

(Stupid question, do you want me to put “Tradeback to [   ]” you, your boyfriend, or both? Your usernames I mean.)

I’ll pay the $100 as soon as I see the DM— I’ll check it before I go to bed, and if I don’t see it then I’ll just check when I wake up!

Not sure if you got my last comment so I thought I’d comment again—

I can definitely do a trade back if that’s what you’re worried about! You have my word that, if I get rid of this guy, it will only be back to you or your boyfriend. 

Sorry if I’m bothering, I just didn’t see a DM and I didn’t know if you just forgot to send it or hadn’t wanted to yet or how quickly you needed the money aaa—

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I'm VERY sorry if this is rude for asking and you're free to tell me off/delete this comment if it is, but I was wondering if it would be possible to be added to his pinglist??? I completely understand if not though, just let me know and I won't ask again! 

hi, does this swap interest you? I could add another character as well, https://toyhou.se/20420718.ufo

i'll consider! :0 

alright let me know!

hi! i think i'll take this offer, lmk if you're still interested!

already traded but thank you anyway <3

ah i see, thats alright then ^^

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Didn't see anything I'd use, so sorry!

how about them :0?

Sorry for slow reply! But sadly I don't see myself using them. ;; Ty though!

no worries!! tysm ^^

Would this swap be of interest at all? 


Sorry for the delay, been busy! But sadly it wouldn't. ;; Thanks for offering though!

Does anyone in my th interest you for them? Truesonas + Yutaro offlimits probably (though if any interest you, feel free to let me know I can def consider!!) if not Tysm anyways ^^

Didn't see anyone I'd use, so sorry!

Np, Ty anyways! ^^

What's the Mini offer you're looking for Nymph