╭── BRUNO!!'s Comments

can i offer a wiggle gif :3 ? THIS DESIGN JS SO CUTE SOBS

can you link examples? :)

oh shoot i forgot my bad xD sum like this B29FDC2A-8857-464A-830D-1199FCD7EEC9.gif

orrr like a small gif like this or sum IDK THE WORDS FOR THESE TYPE OF GIFS AAF39033FB-5903-4F6F-9DFD-4C6BE6DE8ACD.gif

i can defo accept a lil blink gif, can you make it of https://toyhou.se/17555125.-kismet- ? :D

okay sick ! and yes i can :D ! adorable lad


See anyone in my th? ^^

i dont see anyone id use sadly D:

Thats okay :) what about 3 customs and 2 fulls? ^^

ill consider :D!!

Alrighty thanks so much!! :D