


6 years, 3 months ago


[Full Profile:]

Name: Hotaru Yorubana

Age: 18

Job and Income: Odd job handyman, Low income

Abilities: Strength Incrementation- the more physical blows she lands on the opponent, the stronger she becomes. However, her default strength is weak like a child's and punching with her fists at high strength can cause strain.

Weapon: Metal Baseball bat

+Lively | +Cautious | +Friendly
-Cowardly | -Vain | -Easily falls to pressure

Hotaru thinks she's the bomb. A try hard who does her best to dress fashionably and won't go out until she's looking tip-top shape-- especially her hair, it's gotta be styled. While she's generally nice to others, she can also be seen as nosy or rude with her impulsive and self-assertive behaviour. Or at least she tries to be. It's really a farce that has had careful thinking done before acting. The girl actually has frequent cowardly moments, especially towards heat and fire- where she'll stand meters away and yelp if near. Other fears include pain and abandonment due to her past. It makes things difficult for her to connect with others which is why she has trouble with commitments. Working odd jobs was perfect for Hotaru and her low obligations, since getting attached to something would only cause unnecessary concerns. She often boasts about herself a lot but always fails to deliver- being the first person to run at the drop of a hat. A coward through and through, Hotaru values her own self-preservation above all else.

-Likes to exercise and move around a lot but
-also likes to binge on everything bad for you (junk food, cheese, etc.) since she rarely ate them at her previous home
-Unwilling towards change
-Pink dyed-tips at the end of her hair
-Nervous habit of biting her thumb/nail
-Not that bright in academics
-Wears sunglasses 24/7, even at night
-The lighter always stays in her hoodie pocket. Always.
-Sensitive when parents are mentioned