


6 years, 3 months ago


[Full Profile:]

Name: Seki

Age: 21

Gender: Female 

Height / Weight: 174cm / 58kg

Species: Human

Birthday: November 19

Nationality: Hoshido 

Starting Class: Samurai

Weapon: Iron Katana

Personality:+Generous +Loyal +Obedient +Chivalrous | -Guarded -Gullible -Short-tempered -Strict

Seki always has her guard up, whether it's in battle or socially. She has a hard time "letting her hair down" and is always strict with herself and others- most definitely a stickler for the rules. However, she is also surprisingly gullible in that, if you can provide some kind of "logical reason" to break the rules, she will easily believe you (note: weak to smooth talkers). Likewise, Seki will be distrusting towards strangers but once you have her trust, there isn't a better person to rely on. Fiercely loyal to Hoshido, it's only natural for her to hate on Nohr. Much so that any mention of words relating to 'Nohr' will trigger her short-temper and cause her to act on ire. Despite this, Seki has enough discipline to restrain herself when acting on orders- obedience is nailed in her personality, after all. Off the battlefield, Seki is a chivalrous woman to anyone, regardless of class or race. She may be more or less so, depending on your affinity with her; but is definitely a big less if you're Nohrian. Apart from polite manners, Seki is a sincerely generous person and she will always do her best to help. Mainly, by giving her own time to others, such as giving advice, working in the farms and training assistance.

Likes / Dislikes:

+Fruits and vegetables


+Giving a helping hand

-Anything to do with Nohr

-Spicy or overly pungent foods

-Birds (anything the size of a pigeon or bigger! Small birds like budgies and sparrows are OK)

Additional Info:

~She's scared of birds because she was once attacked by a crow while working in the fields at a young age. It has traumatised her since and so, whenever there are big birds around, she will keep a good distance from them or duck when they fly overhead.

~Her main hobby is helping the community. So, you can often find her doing volunteer work in the fields and town- if not sparring or training.

~Although she spars and trains often, Seki is lacking in real battle experience and has yet to fully take a life...

~She has a scar on her back from where she was slashed amidst the battle.