Scrappy (UFA)




Actually her name is S R 4 P P I but scrappy works.

I love drawing her eye but not the rest of her smh

I think she's gonna be set in my futuristic tech world?

- Friendly

- Very helpful

- Enjoys chewing on random things (???)

- Loves running around

- Lives near a junk yard

- Enjoys everything lmao

- Seems to know anything if you ask her

- But at the same time she'll eat rusty nails while you ask her who did what in 1306 and she'll tell you as she moves on to eating a plastic cup with mold on it

- Mega dork

- Seems to say something weird every once in a while

- At night she is usually asleep

- If she isn't, she has this weird dual personality

- she basically stays in one spot and says weird stuff with a weird expression

More on her dual personality:

- She highkey escaped from an AI project

- They were training her to be a cop (and assassin on the side)

- She escaped soon after they made her do missions as a part of her training

- Ended up falling from a building

- Now she sorta has amnesia + she blocked the experience out

- This all happened when it was dark, and she was being 'programed' for the night cycle

Friend Bucky:

Bucky and Scrappy would be great friends, I can already tell. She'd probably wander in one day into his shop to pet the cats, and then would pay for some flowers and start eating them right in the shop. Poor Bucky would be so confused, and she'd come in all the time to try different flowers and see how they taste. After a while I can see him finally getting the courage to say, "Uh Miss, I don't think you should eat certain flowers, as they can leave stomach aches..."

Friend Wilson:

Wilson and Scrappy would be more of acquaintances, or one-sided friendship on Scrappy's part, since she would probably wander off near the fishing company one day. I'm guessing he would see her eating raw fish and just hanging out, and after a while of watching her would be comfortable with her, so he'd be like "Hey eating raw fish a lot probably isn't the best idea ya know." And thus, would start her bothering him a lot and him being like "what did I get myself into???"