Pumpkin Patch



1 year, 10 months ago



Name: Pumpkin Patch (Pumpkin, Oumpgin, Oumpgini).
Gender: “I’m a fucking gourd?” (He/they/xe).
Age: 28.
Height: 6’11.
Birthday: 10/29.
Sexual orientation: Unlabeled, doesn’t care.
Profession: None.


Foul mouthed, easily agitated, and emotionally stunted, Pumpkin Patch has lived another day, and he’s about to make it your problem. The product of a stray blast of magic shot into a pumpkin farm, they’ve lived life like a wild child, quite literally. Large crowds of people freak them out, and he has no earthly idea how to interact with others normally. He’s prone to switching between being very annoying, or being very annoyed, and flits wildly between the two.

Having been the king of his hill for as long as he can remember, his ego is twice the size of himself. Blinded by his own baseless confidence, xe often gets himself into trouble no matter where he goes from an astounding lack of common sense, or emotional intelligence. While they’re unstable, they do care a lot about what others think of them, having yearned deeply for acceptance from a young age. Like hell he’ll tell you this, though, do him a favor and fuck off!

Pumpkin is fiercely protective of what he loves, and is known to explode into fits of jealousy when he has to share or give things up. It comes from a place of fear, being so used to being scorned that he expects everyone to leave such a freak behind, or take everything he has; but the behavior is still immature, and accomplishes exactly what he’s afraid of. Chasing others away. His lack of interpersonal skills prevents him from reflecting enough to realize he’s the problem sometimes, too. After he makes a fool of himself, he splits off into the tree line full speed.

Likes: dirt, wilderness, the night sky, the feeling of sun warming your skin, fresh produce, looking cool, feeling respected, frogs.
Dislikes: fleas, crying, being emotional, feeling belittled or pitied, big cities, bright lights, the scent of rotting.

Extras: there’s some nutrients Pumpkin Patch can only get from soil, since they were made from a real pumpkin. He’s prone to eating fistfuls of dirt in a delirious state when he’s deficient in nutrients, since he’s often too prideful to admit he needs to sit down and eat some dirt.