Amacia Dacilonie



1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Amacia Dacilonie (A-ma-zia  Da-zee-lo-nee)

Nickname(s)/ Other Name(s): Lady Amacia, Angel

Age: 245 (early 30s for their species)

Gender: female

Species: Clione

Height: 6'1"

Weight: ?

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Dom/Sub?: Dominant, but can be equal 

Relationship status: single

Special Body feature:

• No bones, gelatinous squishy flesh

• "Hair" are head tendrils and underwater function as "wings" 

• "Gem" on forehead gives her Species telekinetic powers

Voice example: Kathleen Baar - Morrigan and Chrysalis

Birth planet: Clionideus

Current home/planet: Villa at the outskirts of Space Vegas

Occupation: Heiress of Dacilonie Family, Owner of the Deus Arena


• Temperamental 

• Focused when it comes to work

• Very serious, seldom jokes around

• Can keep grudges for quite a while

• Always tries to sound and act suave/elegant

• Determined, she rarely will accept a no for an answer. If she wants something she will get it one way or the other

Other Facts:

• Only wears top brands and designer clothes

• Materialistic girl

• Amacia is hard to impress

• Charm won't get you far. Actions speak louder than words in her opinion

• If it comes to intergalactic conflicts Amacia prefers to keep neutral and not pick sides. Quote: "Politics is such a risky business. There are no real winners in war. And politicians change their opinion almost as fast as their clothes, whatever they think will please the feeble masses. It's much more profitable making fools believe they can change their fate with a little help of lady luck."

• The Deus Arena's main purpose are kelpie races. But at times also other events are hosted there like gladiator fights or animal talent shows

• Obviously people can take bets on the races and fights

• Kelpies are a species native to Clionedeus. The Dacilonie Family took several specimen with them when they fled the planet. After a few years a successful breeding program has been developed. The family owns a kelpie farm located a few miles away from their estate.

• Amacia has a pet kelpie called Pearl. Pearl does not take part in the races but is offspring of one of the top runners


Cliones are an by now almost extinct alien species of highly evolved sea angels. The climate on their planet Clionedeus steadily got colder throughout the last few centuries as the small sun of their system was dying. The vast seas of Clionedeus froze over with thick ice making it inhabitable for the natives who flourish best in humid and warm climates. Special space programs have been developed to leave the home planet and find new homes in other galaxies. However, only the richest of the rich could afford those travels. Thus not a big number made it off of Clionedeus before the fatal ice age hit the planet.

Amacia's family was one of the few that were able to flee. She was still very young (about 4 years old) when it happened so she doesn't remember life there much.

Taking part of their fortune with them on their flight, the Dacilonies successfully managed to build on that. A family full of experienced business men/women. Most of their fortune was made in profitable investments at the intergalactic stockmarket. That and side businesses like casinos and the Deus Arena. 

After the death of Amacia's father, her mother retired and all businesses went to their daughter. Amacia has learned a lot from her parents and with her mother as an advisor from time to time  she runs things very well. A competent and determined young woman that rules with an iron fist.