erika kierney



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info






cis female. she/her

romantic/sexual orientation

too busy to care

race/ethnicity, nationality

white, american




hoping for the best

||| physical appearance |||

5'2", stocky. fair skin, brown eyes, and light brown hair cut in a bob. wears very cute business casual clothing all the time, lots of flowy skirts and cute blouses.

||| personality |||

erika is a real bleeding heart type of person, bursting with compassion and sympathy. she is very dedicated to the things she sets out to do, whether that be cleaning a blood stain off the floor or knitting. she has a good attention to detail and penchant for tedious work that makes her amazing at what she does for aleksei. she is very sociable and charismatic, good at small talk and deep conversation alike. she is rather… queasy when it comes to blood and gore.

||| background |||

erika grew up in a very poor part of town with her single mother. when erika was 15, her mother fell ill with a mysterious illness, but they did not have the money to take her to the emergency room. erika scouted around for anybody, anybody who could help. some street kids eventually directed her to the man who gives them lunch every day-- aleksei volkov, back alley doctor. aleksei was unable to save erika's mother, for she was already too far gone, but he did offer newly orphaned erika a job. erika took it, partially because she had no other options and partially because she felt immense gratitude at how hard aleksei worked to save her mother. now, erika is the receptionist and secretary for aleksei's hospital, taking care of all the paperwork and manning the front desk.

||| relationships |||

aleksei volkov - her employer, and kind of best friend?
angela townsend - one of her coworkers, and also kind of best friend?