Original Species Adopts SOLD



✫・*。About these adoptables  ✫・。*

These cuties are part of closed species, Aedrys. I love faeries, I love kemonomimi, so I kinda-sorta combined those two and created my own faerie-subspecies with their own lore. They are super adaptable and can fit in pretty much every fandom and world, and you can go absolutely wild with the design choices.

Here is more info about my species:

Aedrys Info

You can assign your Aedrys to a tribe of your choice and give them their own story based on the Aedrys lore! Have fun with it <3 If you just want to use the adoptable design without the lore, that's perfectly fine too (as long as you credit me when using it online)

✫・*。R U L E S  &  B I D D I N G ✫・*。 

Will be crossposted to DeviantArt!