tbn's Comments

I did see https://toyhou.se/14094409.-15 But the value difference between them is probably too high for me to consider just a trade

hmm i could trade the character and add the original $35

I could do that, send the money either to my PayPal or cashapp and I'll get him transferred over! [email protected] $magmamars

any 1-3 on my th?

Yoo epic cat man, I can offer $35. Also about your TOS I'm assuming more fictional stuff like genetic altering/mad scientist things is alright? Not exactly moral but nothing out of bounds of a children's media villain (I take things a bit too literally so im my mind it meant anything out of regular human morals, sorry if it's a stupid question lmao)

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Awesome! Got it sent

Just got his code set up if you'd be interested in checking it out! Gotta get the rest of them sorted next.