


6 years, 3 months ago


somehow has wings on her back, resembling an angel

lives in a remote fishing village with her dad, Joseph (

Her family’s originally from Manchester but they moved to Cornwall some years ago and Joseph and his daughter now inhabit their old cottage house by the coast. The house is thankfully aways apart from the other houses in the area and the main part of town, meaning Ginger can go outside and play without having to hide her wings and worry about onlookers. They walk to town every weekend to get groceries and do their shopping. Ginger has to hide her wings by either putting on a raincoat or a school bag. Their town’s pretty small, small enough that everyone knows everyone else, and it’s not a popular tourist attraction either (since it’s rainy and grey all the time), so outsiders aren’t taken very well. Locals often give them strange glances and speak in hushed tones about them, never trusting Joseph and Ginger because of their secrecy and excluding them from the usual small-town gossip. They’re not very kind and welcoming to the pair but are as of now thankfully unaware of her wings. 

Joseph works at the local post office and earns a pretty minor salary, but he often picks up discarded souvenirs for Ginger. He knows they’re not exactly living it well and tries hard to give Ginger the best. Ginger doesn’t attend the local school, and her dad has taught her pretty much everything she knows. She’s very bright and bubbly, seemingly quite innocent but is actually really mature for her age, capable of holding lengthy conversations with her dad about their money situation or any other problems going on in their secluded life. Her dad comes home every day at lunch to eat his meals with her and she can cook simple meals for herself in the morning (pancakes mostly, she knows they’re the only breakfast item Joseph can afford, and happily eats them like they’re a three-course meal in front of her dad). Ginger enjoys the company of animals and once took home a stray cat, who now lives with them. She hangs around the house and tends to her mini garden or goes down to the rocky coast while her dad’s at work.