Secret Santa 2022 - HOLD



1 year, 6 months ago


My Secret Santa event is up and running! Super excited to do this, but this is also my first time hosting an event like this so please be gentle sobs

This event will be held on Discord as it just makes it 1000x easier to have the event take place in one space - so yes, you will need a Discord to participate, I’m afraid!

Comment below if you’d like to participate and I’ll send you the server link privately! I know it’s a bit of a pain to have to ask rather than being able to join immediately, but I would like to keep the link private to ensure that weirdos and trolls can’t gain access to the server.

The deadline to actually join the event is the 15th of November, and the gift deadline itself is the 20th of December.
Please refrain from joining if you know you struggle with getting owed art done, know you’ll be busy this holiday season, won’t be able to meet the deadlines, etc. I’d feel absolutely awful if someone was left without a gift just because someone else didn’t consider whether they’d be able to make this commitment before hand.

And I would also like to emphasise that because I’m hosting this event, I won’t also be participating - if you’d like the chance to get free art from me, you best bet is to just tag me in your wish lists.

Hope to see some of you there, I’m really looking forward to it!! ❄️☃️