Oliver Kingston



1 year, 7 months ago



Creative Aloof Charismatic
Glassblower • Australian Artist

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Orientation:Panromantic Pansexual
Birthday: May 1st
Race: Black

Growing up in Australia, Oliver found himself to be more of an outdoorsy type individual than anything else. Initially born in South Africa, the Kingstons then fled to the great down under in order to provide a better life for their son. Oliver, being an only sibling, was often doted on by his family and treated with the utmost respect.

Oliver's grandfather, who owned a glassblowing business, was the first to teach his grandson how to handle glass, and how to mold it into whatever he so desired. It took years of practice, but eventually Oliver obtained a pristine talent for the craft.

Now, as an adult, Oliver runs his own business where he offers classes to assist in glassblowing, and also takes commissions to create intricate pieces the likes of most have never seen before.

Although he is an outspoken individual, Oliver is not quick to trust others. Having been mistreated for his racial background by peers as he grew up in a predominantly white location, Oliver has many walls that are difficult to break down.

Despite this, once he gets comfortable with new potential friends, Oliver is fiercely loyal and will fight for whoever he feels has been wronged. He is a passionate individual who describes himself as lionhearted.

"I like to think of myself as a sculptor -- the glass is an extension of my hands."