Bonita Sanchez



1 year, 7 months ago



Bonita Tavares Sanchez, better known by her Instagram name of Nita6902, works at the Zoológico de Jalisco Oeste, a zoo several miles south of Puerto Vallarta on the Pacific coast of Mexico. She takes care of the dolphins in the marine exhibit. Nita works under authority of the zookeepers. This zoo is pretty much the best one to be a dolphin in in the world. The staff try to keep the dolphins as happy as possible. They are given ample toys and rest between training sessions and tricks.

Nita grew up in a poor family. The Sanchezes made less than the equivalent of $4,000 a year. When Nita was little, her cousin helped support the family as a mariachi singer at the local bar, but his career was soon ruined by his cigarette smoking habit, reducing him to poverty as well. At one point, Nita’s father resorted to going to random people’s weddings and funerals for the reception food. Nita originally got the job to ease the burden on her parents of supporting the family. But she has found a new calling in life she never expected. She has bonded tightly with the dolphins at Jalisco Oeste. While she isn’t so fond of tons of paperwork, she is fine with preparing reports for the senior zookeepers, if it benefits the dolphins.

Jalisco Oeste treats their dolphins better than any zoo in America. While American zoos keep the undomesticated animals in tanks a fraction of their usual range, Jalisco Oeste has an entire artificial lake almost 6 times as large as an average dolphinarium in the US. Their training is in short sporadic durations, unlike the aggressive and cruel practices used in American zoos. Nita visits and tours America occasionally, and some American dolphin scientists she worked with taught her some English. But she is afraid to move there due to the women’s rights situation and simply because her country’s food is better. 

Though Nita comes from a poor family, the zoo’s ridiculously overpaid manager lets her drive his expensive cars for official and even occasional unofficial business. The boss has several luxury sports cars custom painted to match the zoo’s colors.

Nita has dull blonde hair and dark, thick lips. She suffers from heterochromia, with her right eye royal blue and her left eye brown to auburn. While tending to the dolphins at the Jalisco Oeste zoo, she wears a leopard print wetsuit with purple gloves and pink dive fins. Nita’s favorite hobbies are practicing English, working her legs out, and playing Minecraft. She is of European and Mayan descent.


  • Bonita formerly ate at Domino’s frequently. But after they began charging for sauce, peppers, and Parmesan, she abandoned Domino’s entirely.
  • Her butt can jiggle up to 8 times when slapped.