
Name:  Actually nameless
Gender: Female
Age ('97): 40 years old (young adult)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Hatching day: 23/03/1957 (Aries♈)
Species: Gargoyle

The Nights - Avicii
     Ready to glide, champ? Who gets               first to that building wins!


"Whistle" is a young, nameless gargoyle that joined the Survivors Clan at the equivalent of fifteen years old with her adoptive father Winter, and his mate and still unhatched child, where she found and immediately befriended what would have become her bestie IndianaShe's strongly attached to ye olde gargoyles' customs, so, despite the fact that this tradition is virtually dead among modern gargoyles, she chose not to have a name herself as it was custom centuries ago. She's open, active, and a bit of a wild child, and mostly values loyalty, honor, and intelligence, even more so if it's an emotional one. You can tell when she's mad because she starts talking like an Arthurian knight with a courtly language, while the more relaxed she is the more her talking will be casual and feature the occasional slang. When feeling an adrenaline rush (angry, defensive, trying to be intimidating), "Whistle" might immediately assume a showy aggressive stance with roars and glowing red eyes, but the display doesn't necessarily match the actual intensity of her feelings and is always kind of extra. She's highly protective of her friends and fellow clan members, and hopes to be chosen one day as her second in command by Faceless, the current clan leader.


• "Gargoylehood"

• Her clan

• Her best friend Indiana

• Finding other Italians

• Pistachio green

• Hunting birds mid-flight

• Children

• Sports

• Friendly competing

• Her pet gator Cousin

• Sfincione 🍕


• People wanting to name her at all costs

• Any harm to her clan


• Ingratitude and lack of loyalty

• Memories of the Bagheria Massacre

• Talking about her childhood


Height: 1,82 m
Weight: 98 kg
Body type: Athletic
Note:   She plans on getting a big tattoo
Designer: JustMimma
Status: Forever homed
Current Worth: My heart, I love her


Wild child

"Whistle" was born in the Tri Purtuna Clan, an Italian group of gargoyles living in Baghería, Sicily. Her little clan was in good terms with other gargoyle communities around, like the one in Palermo and the Monster Court from Villa Palagonia, and lived in peace with the local humans... Or so they thought.

Some people had started calling them monsters, associating them with demons, murmuring about their presumed diabolical influence that could unleash pestilences, and interfere with pregnancies of those who met them, bringing on malformations and miscarriages. It didn't pass long that more and more humans convinced themselves of the truth of these malignant words and begun a witch hunt, bringing on at dawn a massacre of trusting gargoyles who had not fled their homes. When the rest of the city became aware of the massacre they harshly stopped the aggressors and punished them, but it was too late: almost the whole Tri Purtuna Clan had been destroyed and more than half of the Palagonia Clan had been wiped out during the day time, when they were turned into stone; the victims of the bloodbath were around 180 gargoyles and several humans who were harmed while trying to protect them.

When "Whistle" woke up from her stone slumber, she realized in horror that all of her clan mates had been destroyed. The only reason she was alive at all was because she was visiting her cousin L'Alligatore (The Gator) and other relatives at the Palagonia Clan and was among those 63 survivors, even if she had a close brush with death herself. At least, the eggs of the Tri Purtuna Clan were safe, and the Clans of Palermo and Baghería offered to take them in and care for them.

At that point, "Whistle" had nothing but grief left, and the persistent fear of being shattered in her sleep. She was only twelve when it happened (the equivalent of a six years old for a gargoyle) and on an impulse she ran away from everything, in the hopes of leaving the fear and pain behind.

She started roaming Europe aimlessly, living of what she could hunt. She was basically a feral child when she finally met Winter, a lone adult gargoyle that was traveling on a mission to find a cure for a curse that had affected almost all of his clan. The two ended up bonding and becoming a little clan of their own, and he basically became her adoptive father.

  Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Joining the Clan

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