"Whistle" (Task Force AU)



1 year, 1 month ago


Code name: Whistle

Part of the secret Gargoyle task-force; would have been part of it anyway because it gives her the chance to protect innocents (and use violence in the process), but she also decided to join to protect and fight alongside her best friend and mate Indiana.

"Whistle" is fiercely protective of him, but also trusts her mate to be able to fight on the field. And if someone manages somehow to harm him, she's gonna make sure to tear them apart.

They started as best friends, but after some time they also chose to have each other as their mate.

• Very strong Sicilian accent. Growls and hums frequently.

• Serious, ferocious, battle-forged warrior. She enters "soldier mode" during missions and allows herself to relax only at deed done.

• Outside of missions she oftens checks on her team mates to make sure they're all right. If she notices there's something off she can't fix right away, she's gonna tell that to the team leader so they can exchange ideas and he can take his next decisions accordingly.

• Despite the pressure of the moment, being on missions actually helps her with letting off some steam. Since it takes a bigger toll on her task mates, especially the leader, she tries to be there for them if needed.

• He let Indiana choose her codename. That's a sign of trust, as she decided to be nameless in everyday's life in honor of the old gargoyle traditions, but allows an exception for the team.

• She's skilled in survivalism and melée fighting, both with or without weapons. Basically the infantry that follows the tank (Indiana) after he opens the way. Being aware of her own strong suits, she chose the role for herself, also to have her mate's back.


• Loyal to her team as much as she can be violent towards the enemy. She considers all of them her clan, her family. Other than Indiana, she's particularly close to Eerie and Balthazar despite not being enthusiatic about their "clowning" on duty. She also has tremendous respect for Oregon's work in coordinating them from remote, and thinks Wichita is the cutest.

• Despite working to save them too, she has virtually zero trust in humans and is still wary of them. Prefers to avoid talking to them if she can.

• She has no problems with talking about her past, despite involving quite the heavy traumatic experience.

Story snippets

• Her original clan in Baghería, Sicily, was destroyed while sleeping by bigots who thought their clan was "diabolical" in nature. She survived by sheer luck, but it left her feel deeply shaken and unsafe; she was biologically only six when it happened.

• She ran away and started living a nomad life all through Europe, virtually in a feral state, surviving by hunting and sun bathing. Everytime she decided to settle down, the fear and trauma kicked in and she felt like she had to start running again.

• She eventually reached America in her late teens (around the biological age of eighteen years old), but even if she lived away from urban environments she was captured by Tony Dracon's men, who were looking to find a gargoyle to use as a guard hound (an illegal practice, considering gargoyles in this timeline have full legal personhood. The same thing will be repeated years later, effort that will result in Santorini's capture).

Out of her mind with fear and rage (the last close contact she had had with humans was her clan's slaughter, and now this) she managed to attack and slay her captors and run away, but she had already been brought in the city of New York. A new, confusing environment, full of humans.

Two victims and an apparent rampage on the city (she was only actually trying to get out of it) brought on a turbulent first meeting with Indiana. The leader of the task force had been alerted to a dangerous rogue gargoyle and decided to settle this in person.

At this point, she knew how to read and write, but knew virtually no English and it was very hard to communicate with him. However, she saw his human clothes and the way he approached, knew how gargoyles often work with humans when giving the chance, and thought he has been sent to capture her again.

• The highlight of their first meeting was a serious fight. She had no intention of being caught again, but he didn't know how to explain himself and the two just tangled in a confrontation; none of them got unscathed out of this, but at one point the soon to be "Whistle" understood that in her conditions she couldn't best someone who was highly trained and way more than two meters tall.

She knew the words "no" and "stop", and through behavior and mimic made him understand she was done with the fight. Panting, they weighed each other... And then he decided to bring her to a safe place, assuring there were "no umani". Wary, but exhausted, she followed.

(This was a fight or flight situation, but gargoyles also engage in violent fights to court each other. The strength of both didn't go unnoticed, but in the moment none of the two was focused on that specific aspect).

• Indiana welcomed her in the Task Force's headquarters, where, to her surprise, she saw other gargoyles! The pull of belonging to a clan and a territory was strong, and she didn't try to escape.

• Balthazar was the one she spoke to the most at the beginning, since he taught her English while Oregon helped her learn about modern technology.

• After a year of living with the Task Force, she had already started to consider them a family and realized she had developed feelings for what she had started considering her best friend, the one that had the personality that was closest to hers, Indiana. So she went to him and discussed the matter like she would have a battle strategy; from outside it might have looked like a cold conversation, but it was actually a very intimate moment for the both of them, who allowed each other to be emotionally vulnerabile around a trusted one. Discovering her love was requited, they decided to become mates.