
6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Best Friend



Name: Magnus

Gender: Male

Class: Elemental Magic Swordsman (Air)

Personality: Magnus is the opposite of Calyx. He can be rather pessimistic and doubts himself constantly. His sword is a powerful artifact that has been passed down many generations, however Magnus has a hard time using it. His family is supposed to be able to use the air element with ease but for some reason the only thing he can do is blow wind from his sword to send himself and others toppling backwards. His father always expresses his disappointment which causes Magnus to doubt his skills even more. Even though he trains every day with his magic the only amount of lightning he can do is summon enough static electricity in his fingertips to shock someone and make their hair stand on end. Other than that and his gust of wind, he just has a regular old pretty looking sword.

* Is best friends with Calyx.

*Has red hair that fades to pink

*Has blue eyes

*Has tan skin

*Has full lips

*Has freckles across nose

*Has a big butt