Sato Noboru



9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info








Personality: Grumpy and serious, but well meaning underneath his cold demeanor. He really does hold a great love for the people in his province as a whole as they treat him quite well, but that doesn’t mean he wants to deal with them face to face. He likes the idea of other people, but not so much the reality. Sato is respectful to superiors and well behaved on the job. Having fairly high status he is usually watchful of his actions, he isn’t completely rude, but he also isn’t one to joke around. The more comfortable he is around a person the more honest he is with his feelings, which really just means he’ll snap at you more.

History: The only heir of an old samurai clan in a province that favored ninjas. Most of the clan was wiped out in the previous war due to his fathers mistake. His father's death strained his mother's relationship with the remnants, old retired samurai unable to fight and particularly the clan head, Noboru's grandfather. So she left, but she didn't take her child wth her and so no one was there to support Noboru as the fate of the clan was suddenly dependent on one child. It was not a happy childhood. He is not overly fond of his family and has no desire revive the clan but has too much conditioned respect to admit it.

Before becoming a samurai under the kokuei daimyo Noboru worked for his local area police under the guidance of his father's deceased but corporeal friend.