
1 year, 10 months ago


Mangoe Verena Rayne Amaryllis

Fennec Fox/Feline

32 yrs, but pretends to be 29

Stay-At-Home Mom

Straight (Taken) - She/Her

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The spots can vary in quantity, but are always there.

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Stern, cruel, and demanding. She has no sympathy for those that she cannot use for her own good.

Straight up murderous. Probably has killed and will kill again (her parents).

Terrible mother, she uses Chickadee as a tool to gain leverage against those without children by showing her off. She knows that Chickadee doesn’t like being seen or dressed up in fancy or delicate outfits but she commits to it anyways.

Horrible wife, she fights with Zeke for her own entertainment. It commonly ends with her either using crocodile tears on him or Zeke crying in their shared room.

Difficult past, she got neglected by her parents and was expected to meet a certain beauty standard as a child. She stayed with her parents since she thought that she was going to get siblings to protect, but 2 months after Snowflake and Tangerine were born her mother took them out and she never saw them again. Mangoe doesn’t know if they are still alive or not, but assumed they died when they went missing.

A narcissist, she only really cares about herself no matter how she wants to be seen by others. Uses others to get her will performed even if they have a strong mindset.

Her eye twitched when she gets irritated. It’s a small detail that little notice but when spotted it can be used to prevent a deception.