the hideaway



1 year, 7 months ago


NAME the hideaway
NICKNAME(S) hideaway
AGE slugpup
SPECIES slugcat
PRONOUNS she/her
OCCUPATION being baby


they call her the sneaksterrrrr

tba | tba | tba


The Hideaway is a young nomadic slugpup. Her parent is the Scrapper.


The Hideaway and her parent didn't have a colony of their own and spent a lot of time travelling around, rarely staying in place for much longer than a few cycles. One day, they were crossing some iterator grounds when a strange, robotic creature attacked them. During the ensuing struggle, the Hideaway was knocked into a cracked water pipe, where she was swept far, far away. She nearly drowned.

She ended up in some kind of water resevoir, deep within the depths of machinery. A tall, strange slugcat had fished her out of there, saving her life. This slugcat, while aloof, didn't immediately up and murder her, so Hideaway, with absolutely no idea where to go and unsure if her parent was still alive, followed them around for a little while. This slugcat tolerated her presence for a little while while she recovered, then pointed out the slugcat colony that lived atop this iterator - and that she should go there, where it was safe and above the rain, and not come back. Then he left.

But what about the Hideaway's parent? Little Hideaway didn't want to be around a bunch of strangers, she wanted her parent and be back in the safety of his arms and gadgets, and she couldn't stand the thought of him out there all by himself, or worse....

So the Hideaway turned and went the opposite direction of the way that weird slugcat showed her. There had to be a way out, somewhere down below.

After a good long time of aimlessly wandering around, she started to get famished. There were all these funny blue centipedes crawling around around the vents, and, despite her initial panic, they completely ignored her. So she had a little snack of one of the littler ones - one of the easiest-caught meals of her life! - and continued on.

In hindsight, that was one of the worst mistakes she has ever made in her short, utterly naive life.

It happened very suddenly and out of nowhere, a little while afterward. She saw something glinting in the dim light above her head, a strange crackling of blue, and it was pure instinct saved her life. She dodged to the side as a spear shot toward her, catching her in the ear instead of directly in the forehead. She barely had time to recognize that funny slugcat from before, the one who had saved her life just hours ago, before he sprang at her, blue electricity sparkling between his claws. She escaped by the skin of her teeth, scrambling into a vent that the other slugcat was too big to fit through.

From then on, it became a terrible, awful game of cat and mouse. She had to find her way out of the maze that was the iterator superstructure and find her parent before that slugcat can corner her... and kill her.


The Hideaway is a bright, cheerful little thing, and remarkably cunning. tba


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