Jay Catlin



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Age, birthday and zodiac

25, 1.12.2280, Sagittarius


Human/garter snake hybrid




The deputy leader of the rebel group



Significant other



Father, mother, big brother and little sister

Physical description

190 cm/6'3'' tall man in basic good fit. Jay has a gray-ish brown skin tone with vitiligo patches all over his body, black dreadlocks and dark brown, almost black eyes. Jay actually needs glasses, but he usually wears contact lenses as they are more convenient.



Jay is a very calm and patient person who prefers to tackle situations with patience and thinking rather than jumping straight into action. He is a very thoughtful personality whose mind is always buzzing with different ideas and thoughts, and can easily get lost in his own thoughts if there are no other distractions. Despite the fact that Jay seems to have his head in the clouds a lot of the time, he is able to keep his cool and mind focused on important things, and always tries to keep his rational mind open to new ideas. Being a very thoughtful person, Jay also tends to overthink a lot of things, especially if he is all by himself, in his own thoughts. Sometimes this overthinking can make him stressed out - sometimes even anxious - and it can be very hard for him to snap out of it.

Jay has issues with trusting people, and it takes a lot of time for him to fully warm up to others. When he is meeting new people or if he's with strangers, he may seem very cold and distand and act very awkwardly, often talking only when being spoken to and very rarely taking initiative in social situations. That's because Jay is also a very shy and introverted person who doesn't really know how to act around new people, and may get a little bit anxious even around strangers. He appreciates his own peace and solitude greatly and often prefers to back away and stay alone for a while after social situations.

Jay is a very polite, friendly and kind person around those who he trusts and cares about. He becomes a lot more relaxed and warm around them, and sometimes even talkative, often rambling and sharing facts about topics he is passionate about. Even though Jay seems to get lost in talking about things he likes, he still has a very good understanding of situations and is also a very good listener. He will closely listen to what's on your mind, offering his opinions and advice whenever needed. He wants to treat his loved ones the best he can and he absolutely hates hurting others. To avoid conflict in his close relationships, Jay is often way too submissive as he can't say no to others and always agrees to do whatever people ask of him, even if that something isn't all that pleasant for him. Overall he is a very self-sacrificing person when it comes to his loved ones.

Jay is a hardworking and very ambitious person. He hates to leave things unfinished and always works really hard to finish everything he has started. He has no problems on working on long-term projects because of his patient nature, and because he wants to do the job as precisely as possible. Jay often overworks himself to the pointvof exhaustion though as he really wants to do well in his job, as well as impress others and make others be proud of him. He really wants his hard work to pay off and get recognition, and he often forgets to take breaks and relax from working.

Jay is very self-conscious about himself, not only about his vitiligo, but also about how his actions affect others and overall everything that he does. He knows what is expected of him and this (sometimes even self-created) pressure can really get to him, and he can lose his cool under a lot of pressure. Even then, he still tries to fight through it and do what people expect from him, often burning himself out completely. Jay also doesn't handle criticism very well due to being very self-conscious and a bit insecure. He often tries to take advice from criticism and try to brush off all the negative aspects, but most of the time he just ends up overthinking it and getting himself down.


  • Patient
  • Analytical and thinking, doesn't jump into conclusions/action right away
  • Wise and intelligent
  • Open-minded
  • Hard-working and persistent
  • Tall and strong


  • Overthinking
  • Doesn't trust others very easily and warms up to new people slowly
  • Sometimes too submissive and self-sacrificing
  • Doesn't handle social pressure very well
  • Overworks himself due to persistent nature
  • Bad eye-sight
  • Rather clumsy


  • Science related things, like chemistry, physics, maths, sci-fi movies, technology...
  • Outer space
  • Coffee and tea
  • Cats
  • Reading, cooking, taking care of houseplants
  • Pop-culture
  • Snow
  • Sweet desserts
  • Sweet, passionate and smart guys. Also guys with glasses.


  • Loud people or crowds
  • Spicy food
  • Discrimination
  • Letting people down
  • Neon colored things
  • When he can't find clothing for his size
  • Being so tall and clumsy
  • Peanuts as he's allergic to them